Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting_ Man Sitting AT The Computer

Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting

Introduction to Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting Wealthy Affiliate hosting has been around for 16 years. To get a better understanding of how Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting Works, first you need to understand that WA’s web hosting is not a stand alone hosting. Instead it is an in-house hosting, that comes with a: WordPress Website Affiliate …

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Makeup Affiliate Programs

6-MakeUp Affiliate Programs For A Beauty Blog

You’re into beauty, makeup, personal care, or maybe even fashion. A beauty blog would be perfect for you, especially if you haven’t started one. There are tons of makeup affiliate programs, for a beauty niche website. The cosmetic industry is huge. Experts believe that this industry will only increase from it’s now $532 billion dollar …

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Super Affiliate System 3.0 Review

Super Affiliate System 3.0 – By John Crestani

Name: Super Affiliate System Price: $997.00 for the program Owners: John Crestani Best For: Anyone who is willing to succeed with paid methods SUMMARY: ​Super Affiliate System 3.0 is an affiliate marketing training, by John Crestani, who teaches you how to market products by paid marketing methods. Welcome to the Super Affiliate System 3.0 Review! …

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Whats Affiliate Marketing And How Does It Work

What’s Affiliate Marketing And How Does It Work?

Ever wondered what the heck is affiliate marketing?

And how you can make money with it? 

If so, you’re in luck. In this review you’ll learn the basics of affiliate marketing and how it works.

But, first… let’s find out what it is and how it works.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

It’s been around since 1989. Patented by a guy named William J. Tobin.

Affiliate marketing is one of many internet marketing channels.

Not that makes any difference. But, hey it’s good information to know.

Here’s a simple definition of Affiliate Marketing.

What Is Affiliate Marketing And How Does It Work

It’s when you become an affiliate. That’s what the company would call you. In some cases, you’re also referred to as a publisher.

As an affiliate, you can get paid for promoting other people’s products.

The products you promote come from retailers, companies, or merchants.

Makes sense!

Worry none!

I’ll provide you with examples. So, that you can leave here understanding how to get started yourself.

Who And What Is An Affiliate?

The affiliate is you. Remember, sometimes, you’re referred to as a publisher too. Whenever you join affiliate programs, those are your title as an affiliate marketer.

For better terms, an affiliate can be an individual, a business owner, or a company.

Who Is The Affiliate In Affiliate Marketing

In most cases, an affiliate becomes a blogger, YouTuber, or a content creator on social media.

  • The best part is you don’t need any prior skills. At all.
  • You don’t need the perfect background.

In fact, it’s easier to become an affiliate, than it is to pass a job interview. There’s no qualifications needed.

Who Are The Companies That You Work With?

The companies that you’ll work with are all different.

  • They can be merchants, retailers, big brands, or small private business owners.
  • The companies can be of any size. Small, Big. Private or Well-known. It doesn’t matter.

Some companies that offer affiliate marketing programs are:

  • Walmart
  • Nike
  • PetCo
  • GameStop
  • BestBuy
  • And the list goes on.

The point is there are thousands of well known companies. That allows you as an affiliate to promote their products for profit.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

Although, it’s easy to become an affiliate. Learning affiliate marketing isn’t as easy as it sound
In most cases, beginners usually need to take courses. I’ll explain why shortly.
For example sake, this is how affiliate marketing works.
Let’s use Amazon for an example. I’m sure most are familiar with them.
If you were to become an affiliate of Amazon. They would pay you a percentage for any Amazon sale that you make.
The percentage that Amazon pays you. Is set and agreed upon when you first join the Amazon affiliate program.

As you can see in the image below, Amazon has their rates all ready set for anyone who joins. Plus, you’ll notice that Gift Cards are excluded from the commission structure.

An Example Of What Amazon Would Pay You As An Affiliate Marketer

To become an affiliate of Amazon. It’s free. Go to Google. Type in Amazon affiliate program, and in the search results you would see their website.

By the way, their affiliate program is actually called Amazon Associates Program.
Once the approval process is complete. You would choose a product from the Amazon website. Share that product on a blog, YouTube, or social media.
The way you share the product is with an URL which they call an unique affiliate link.

An example of an affiliate link:


As you can see it makes no sense. It just appears to be a huge URL.

A customer sees a product that has an affiliate link attached to it. They click on the product because, it’ll resolve their issue.

Since the customer clicked your link. They are now considered cookied to you for 24 hours.
Which means if the customer purchases anything on Amazon within 24 hours. You’d get the commission. The 24 hour period is the duration that Amazon sets.

Every affiliate program works differently.

By the way, if you’re struggling to come up with a niche for your site. This Amazon Course walks you the every step. It’ll teach you how to build Amazon sites and make money from it.

Who Handles The Payment For Affiliates?

Using Amazon as the example.
Rest assured you’re not responsible for handling the customers payment.
So, you never see the customers financial information. And, in most cases you’d never know who purchased.
This is the beauty of affiliate marketing. You’re not responsible for any payments, customer service, or shipping.
The company handles it all for you. So, in this case. Amazon would handle the customer’s payment, shipping, and customer service.
It’s like your the middle-man or woman.
Finding a solution for a problem. Connecting a product to the customer. From there the company takes over.

How Do You Make Money With Affiliate Marketing?

If you’re still a bit confused, it’s simpler than it sounds but, can still be a learning curve for most.

Step 1: You’ll Sign Up To Affiliate Programs

I’ve written a more detailed review about what an affiliate program is and how they work.

Feel free to read it.

In short, an affiliate program is what you as an affiliate will join. To promote companies products

Taking Amazon as our example.

Amazon is not only a place to buy items for online shoppers.

It’s also a place where affiliate’s can make money by promoting those items.

Step 2: Choose A Product That You Want To Promote

After affiliate program approval. You’ll pick a product that you want to share with people or an audience.

If you start a blog. The products that you choose. Should be congruent with the topic that you’re talking about on your blog. or YouTube channel.
In either case, they both have different ways that you’ll drive traffic to your product.

Step 3: Share The Product With An Audience

At this point. You’ve found an affiliate program. You’ve chosen a product. Now, you’ll grab your referral link. Also known as an affiliate link. And share it.

You can use social media, email marketing, YouTube, PPC, forums, or a blog.

Regardless, of what platform you choose. I recommend a blog having a blog.

The reason being is because a blog is a platform that you’ll always own.

Many marketers will also tell you that owning an email list is best. It’s true to an extent. An email list can be shut down as well.

Meaning you can lose all of your subscribers. Especially, if you’re not marketing to your subscribers accordingly. Each email provider is different, and has different rules.

Anyhow, to collect emails it’s easier done when you have a blog or a YouTube channel.

Step 4: Customer Sees Your Link And Clicks On It

During this step the customer sees the product that fits their problem. Hopefully, they click on the link that you’re promoting.

After they click the link. The customer is redirected to the official Amazon website.

Once they buy the product. The company will pay you a commission.

How Do You Make Money With Affiliate Marketing

Is Affiliate Marketing A Scam?

When I first heard of affiliate marketing. I thought it was a scam. It was new to me. And, I’ve never heard of it.

Either way, I took an affiliate marketing course because it was free to join. And soon discovered that affiliate marketing is legit.

Will Affiliate Marketing Die?

Affiliate marketing still is profitable today, tomorrow, and will continue to grow.

According to Statista. The revenue in the affiliate marketing industry is due to reach 8.2 billion dollars by 2022.

This is an increase of 5.4 billion from 2017.

In other words, affiliate marketing is not dead and doesn’t appear like it’s going anywhere.

Another point, I would like to make. Since we’ve used Amazon throughout this entire review. I’ll continue using it as an example.

Amazon is a trillion dollar company. They’re also one of the most popular and successful affiliate programs. They have millions of products for you to promote.

Even if Amazon were to go away, which is unlikely. There are thousands of other affiliate programs and networks, that you can work with.

The bottom line is affiliate marketing is not dying.

How Easy Is Affiliate Marketing?

As you know anything new to you is never easy. It’s the same with affiliate marketing. It’s not that easy in the beginning.

Most people fail. In fact, many people never make a dime.

There’s many reasons for this.

One reason that I believe is most people aren’t getting the proper training. And the training that they are getting is not leading them in the right direction.

Can You Learn Affiliate Marketing For Free?

Yes, you can learn affiliate marketing without paying for training.

Start by watching YouTube videos or join marketers email list and learn from there.

In most cases, it’s easier to understand how the process works when you do have a paid course.

It helps speed up the learning process. And it keeps you up to date with the many changes that happens within the affiliate marketing industry.

Affiliate marketing is an ever evolving environment. So rules changes, methods change, and products change. A paid course is better in most cases.

So, in short! No you don’t have to pay for training. It’s just better for your success to invest in yourself.

Why Affiliate Marketing?

Of course, there are many ways for you to start earning money online.

But, with affiliate marketing it can help you earn money in many ways.

  • First, it’s low risk.
  • Anyone can start affiliate marketing.
  • You’ll make more money than filling out online surveys.
  • It has helped many people replace their jobs.
  • And, you’re not tied down to one company.
  • There’s many ways to earn as an affiliate marketer.

Here’s Why Affiliate Marketing Is My Favorite

  • I don’t have to create my own products or hold inventory.
  • You don’t have to purchase inventory to promote the product.
  • It’s the way that I learned to make my first dollar online.
  • I’ve learned a lot. Not only about affiliate marketing itself but, about how companies operate.
  • I don’t handle people’s money.
  • You must do a lot of research. So, in the end it makes you a smarter person.
  • There’s no shipping involved.
  • It’s a cost-effective way to start earning money from home.
  • There’s no recruiting, affiliate marketing doesn’t work that way.
  • And you work on your own time, from anywhere.
  • Plus, I can be home with my family.

Is Affiliate Marketing A Pyramid Scheme?

No, no where near it. You don’t recruit others for affiliate marketing.

Instead you’re recommending products for a solution to your audience.

There’s no team building as an affiliate marketer. You’re a one man or woman show.

You’ll get paid off of your performance only.

Are There Cons To Affiliate Marketing?

I believe with any money making opportunity, there’s always a con.

Thankfully, with affiliate marketing, the pros outweigh the cons.

The Cons That Come To Mind Are:

  • It’s a huge learning curve. So, it does take time, work, and lots of learning.
  • You can’t predict your income.
  • You’ll never own the product.
  • There’s many affiliate marketing courses, that leads people down loop holes.
  • Driving traffic to your offer is an uphill battle.
  • There’s not be a team helping you build your bottom line.
  • You won’t get approved for all affiliate programs.

How Can You Get Started With Affiliate Marketing?

Step 1: Start A Blog

If you like the idea of affiliate marketing. The best way to get started is by starting a blog. Most affiliate programs will require a blog or website.

A blog is basically a website that you’ll update regularly and write valuable content on it.

The content will be about the product that you’re promoting. And if the material is written correctly, plus keywords are chosen properly. You’ll drive organic traffic to your site.

Step 2: Join Affiliate Programs

Find the product that you want to promote. Grab your link and start sharing your offer to a targeted audience.

If you do not start a blog, there are affiliate marketing programs that may accept you without a site but, again most programs want to view your website.

Step 3: Drive Traffic To Your Blog

You’ll need to learn SEO to drive traffic to your blog. For that I recommend this community.

They teach you how to drive traffic with SEO. The best part is they also allow you to start a blog, and they provide affiliate marketing training.

You can also start a YouTube channel. It’s free to start making videos. Do a review on the product that you’re trying to promote and drop a link within the description.

You can promote on social media as well. I recommend pinterest. They are easier to promote on. And you can make sales right from pinterest.

Write articles, or respond to questions on Quora. Provide value to your audience. Then share your referral link.

The same for Linkedin. Write articles, pertaining to your niche. And insert your affiliate link within the article.

My sincere advice to you as a person who was also a complete newbie to this affiliate marketing game is to find a legitimate business opportunity and stick with it.

Don’t stop! Don’t give up! Nor should you look back.

If you want to ask further questions or discuss this topic about affiliate marketing. Please leave your comments below.

Either way, I wish you all the best. And most of all, success with your online adventures.

GeResponse Affiliate Program Review

GetResponse Affiliate Program Review: {33% Commissions}

Name: GetResponse Affiliate Program Website: www.getresponse.com Price:  You Can Join For Free Owners:  Simone Grabowski Best For:  GetResponse Users, Email Marketing Affiliates, Or Beginners Who Have An Interest In Promoting GetResponse To Earn An Income SUMMARY: ​GetRepsonse Affiliate Program is an affiliate program that allows you to earn income while promoting the GetRepsonse Email Marketing platform.  …

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What About Wealthy Affilate

The Ultimate Wealthy Affiliate Review: {2023}

Are you struggling to make money online? Tired of wasting money?

Look, I’m not here to sell you dreams of a push button system.

In this Wealthy Affiliate Review, you won’t be promised the world.

Instead, you’ll get my no-fluff opinion about Wealthy Affiliate.

Full disclosure, I’m a current member.

I’ve also taken many affiliate marketing and blogging courses.

How else could I determine if Wealthy Affiliate is truly valuable?

Therefore, I’d like to think that I am well-qualified to reveal the positives and the negatives about this program.

But first…

Imagine that you could make money with a blog.

Yes, a blog…

You could pop open your laptop, start a blog, get step-by-step training, 24/ 7 (365) live 1-on-1 support, and so much more.

How great would your life be?

Sitting on your couch, working on your own terms.

You write a few articles, respond to your readers – eventually, you’ll see money coming in consistently.

Finally, you could breathe a little – kick back and relax.

But, right now you’re here.

Sitting there, staring at your screen.

Reading this article, wishing you could find a legit way to make money online.

  • You’re tired of all the B.S.
  • Don’t want to be scammed!
  • Rather not waste time with online surveys.
  • Can’t figure out how this make money online thing works.
  • You’ve taken all the courses, known to man.
  • Listened to every webinar.
  • You’ve pulled your hair out trying to find your passion.
  • Oh and maybe you don’t think that you have what it takes.

Does this sound like you?

It doesn’t have to be this way, you know.

There is a way that you can start earning money online. And, it’s not hard to do this for yourself.

All of the answers you’ve been looking for may be right here in this article. To get them you just need to continue reading on.

By the way, this post may contain ​affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more info.

What Is Wealthy Affiliate?

​It’s an all-in-one marketing platform. So, what does that mean?

Wealthy Affiliate University, is what some describe it as. Except it’s a fraction of the cost – compared to a traditional university.

You’ll get access to:

  • tons of business training (both video and content format)
  • live weekly webinars for premium members
  • hosting for up to 50 websites
  • Keyword Research Tool (included)
  • and live support from the community, and myself.

Anyhow, Wealthy Affiliate teaches people to build a sustainable income online.

It’s also a program that not only gives you support. You’ll have resources and tools, at an affordable cost.

  • Discover what it takes to build an online income.
  • Learn to build niche websites.
  • You’ll learn how to drive free traffic to your website (SEO style)

In any niche…

A niche is a topic or subject that you’ll be blogging about.

Not all niches are created equal though.

I didn’t know this at first.

Some are more profitable than others.

However, Wealthy Affiliate teaches that you can make money in any niche.

​How Does Wealthy Affiliate Work?

There’s two different memberships with Wealthy Affiliate.

I’ll go into further details about the membership later.

So, hang tight!

In this section, I’ll explain how the training can help you.

The image below is what we call the “4 Step Process”


Step 1: ​​You’ll Build A Niche Website

This is where you’ll choose an interest.

An interest is your niche.

Earlier, I explained briefly about a niche.

The word, “Niche” can be a scary and confusing word. Especially for beginners.

This doesn’t have to be scary. A niche can be anything.

  • What would you love to do and get paid for it?
  • Are you an expert at anything? (Please note that you don’t need to be an expert at anything. You just need to become an expert.)
  • Do you have any hobbies or passions?
  • Are you willing to learn and solve problems?

For simplistic sake.

A niche is a topic, an audience, subject or passion, that you can talk about for years to come.

But…at the same time, you’ll need to solve a problem.

You’ll attract people within your niche by targeted keywords.

If you can’t find a niche…don’t panic.

Wealthy Affiliate has solutions and training to help you find a niche.

Either way, don’t let not having a niche stop you. If all else fails, you can always promote Wealthy Affiliate.

As you can see in the image below, you do not need experience or tech knowledge.

Wealthy Affiliate Review We Build Websites

​Step 2: Create Helpful & Relevant Content

Don’t over complicate this process.

First and foremost, you don’t have to be the best writer.

If you’re courageous enough to write blog articles.

Learn about your audience and niche.

Then you can do this.

I look back at my old articles, and wonder, “how in the world did I write that?

So, can you do this?

Yes, indeed, you can.​

Although, there are many experts within the community, Wealthy Affiliate caters to beginners.

You don’t need to have experience with marketing or be a expert writer.

Not even an English major writes the best blog articles at first.

Besides blogging is different from writing a well researched paper.

So, worry none!

It takes practice, and consistent writing.

The more you write the better you’ll get.

Creating Your Initial Website Content

Below is an example of a Wealthy Affiliate training video. It shows you how the process of setting up your site’s content works.

Wealthy Affiliate Review We Write Content-1
Please note: To watch this entire video, you may have to register a free account with Wealthy Affiliate. Don’t worry you’re not asked for payment information. We just need your email address.

Step 3: Get Ranked, Visitors & Traffic

After you’ve learned to create content, and target proper keywords – your site will rank within the search engines.

Like the image below...

Ranking On Page 1 Of Google For True Profit Machine
Ranking On Page 1 Position 1 Of Google For True Profit Machine

Will your site rank right away?


No matter what anyone tells you.

Keyword research is a learned skill.

Therefore, with new sites, it takes time.

More like months.

Therefore, you won’t become an expert at choosing proper keywords right away.

Once you begin to attract organic traffic.

You’ll start to see website visitors.

Not all post will get lots of traffic because, remember targeting keywords and learning SEO techniques is a learned skill.

When a post does get tons of traffic. It’s the best feeling ever.

Especially, if you’ve never experienced it before.

I remember the day, I experienced my first 1,000 website visitors. All in one day.

It was exciting and scary at the same time.

Traffic, is an ongoing challenge. Many bloggers struggle with this, including myself.

1k Visitors

WA training, is very BIG on driving FREE traffic, which is good if you’re starting out on a budget.

Therefore, paid traffic isn’t taught in depth.

Hopefully, this is something that will be addressed in the near feature.

One reason why paid traffic, isn’t discussed in depth is because, WA believes in helping people build an online businesses in the most affordable way possible.

Anyhow, to target keywords, premium members are given access to a keyword research tool. It’s included in the membership.

The keyword tool that’s provided is called Jaaxy. One thought here, the Jaaxy tool could be better, but hey, if you’re just starting out, like I was, Jaaxy still works for a beginner.

Plus, SEO is something learned not by a tool but, by practice. The tool can help you get better but, it will not determine your success.

Either way, Jaaxy, is included with your membership. If you were to purchase a stand alone one, you’d be paying at least $204 per year for the tool alone.

So, no need to purchase one – this alone will save you at least $204.

If you have any doubts that learning SEO and driving traffic will work for you.

I totally understand.

I had doubt too.

Until, the day this happened.

Out of the blues over 100 people showed up to my site. All within minutes. It was a very exciting day. (By the way, I had no clue what I was doing right or wrong.)

So, if I can do this, so can you!

111 people on my site at one time Wealthy Affiliate Review

And recently, I took a random SEO quiz on LinkedIn – thinking it was going to be a total FLOP, but, to my surprise, I passed. So, having said that, after blogging for a while, I’ve learned a little bit about SEO.

Step 4: Earn Revenue or Make Money

One of many questions I see newbies ask is, “how will I make money?

In short, the above three steps will lead you to making money, if done properly.

At first nothing will make sense.

Affiliate marketing is a huge learning curve.

Although, it’s not rocket science. It takes time to learn. Some people catch on right away, while others take a little bit longer.

Unfortunately, I was the latter…

I know it sounds crazy but, it’s the truth. For one, I was not fully focused as I should have been and for two I just didn’t grasp the whole thing but, one thing I never did was give up.

The crazy part I was able to make money from my website using the affiliate marketing method without fully understand the affiliate marketing concept all the way until recently.

Either way, you’ll be able to make money in many ways.

  • affiliate programs
  • affiliate networks
  • ad networks
  • affiliate marketing
  • sponsored post
  • selling your own products, services, or courses

Monetizing your site, takes time. It could be months before you see your fist commission.

Traffic is the key to your success. It’s the life-line of your blog. Without traffic, you can not even make money with ads.

So, to make money with your website, you need to master the first 3 steps.

Nevertheless, there’s thousands or even millions of products that you can promote right from your website.​​

For example, you’ve heard of Amazon, right?

Amazon has tons of products that you can promote within your niche.

On the other hand, you have companies like:

  • Dell
  • Sprint
  • eBay
  • Walmart
  • Home Depot
  • Best Buy
  • Game Stop
  • Uber
  • Esty
  • And so many more.

With that said, there are many ways you can make money from your site. All of this is explained within the training.

Wealthy Affiliate Review Make Money Online

Is Wealthy Affiliate A Scam?

No, they’re not a scam. Although, I did absolutely nothing my first year of being a Wealthy Affiliate member. I’ve been in the community since 2017.

Wealthy Affiliate has been around for 15 years. They are known for being the largest and most trusted affiliate marketing community.

How To Join Wealthy Affiliate?

Joining Wealthy Affiliate is simple.

You’d visit their site...

Enter your email address into the contact form.

There’s no credit card needed to get started. Once you’ve joined I’ll get a notification that you’ve joined and I’ll be happy to assist.

​Wh​y I Recommend Wealthy Affiliate?

Truth is Wealthy Affiliate isn’t for everyone.

Some people love it, while others complain.

I’ll explain more on that shortly.

Before, finding WA I struggled.

I tried so many programs, it was ridiculous.

I thought making even a dime online was impossible. It wasn’t until I took massive action with the training in the WA community.

The day, I made my first commission, I was in awe…

The image below was actually my first commission. Actually, I made an additional $175.00 a few hours later.

So, my grand total for the day was $398.50…

It may not have been much.

But…I made my first commission by writing a Mary Morissey Referral Parnter article.

The point is I really didn’t know what I was doing.

I signed up to a random affiliate program and did what Wealthy Affiliate training taught me to do.

Either way, I was hooked… when I learned the possibilities, you didn’t have to tell me twice.

If I never lost thousands of dollars on the internet. I probably would’ve never discovered or paid attention to Wealthy Affiliate.

Nor would I have seen the value within the community.

But, since I did lose a lot of money, paying for a “7-figure coaching program,” that just lead me in circles.

And, eventually the FTC shut them down because, they were scamming people.

Unknowingly, I ended up being one of their victims.

This company called themselves Mobe.

Therefore, I understand and respect what Wealthy Affiliate tries to do for others.

They provide a wealth of information at an affordable cost.

As I expressed earlier, I would explain why some people don’t like Wealthy Affiliate.

Some don’t like it because, it’s a TON of information.

I get it.

Too much information can be overwhelming.

But..too little information can leave you scrambling.

Which one would you rather be?

I’d rather be Full than Starved.

I recommend you to join Wealthy Affiliate, because for one it’s free to try.

No, credit card needed. Plus, there’s no obligations.

They’re “The Most” cost effective way to start a website, get support, and tons of training all under one roof.

When your first beginning having everything under one roof can save you money and time.

Both are valuable.

For example, if you were to start a blog with siteground, or bluehost.

You may need training.

Of course, you could search all over the web for it or you can pay for a course.

The courses you’ll need can range from $97 to $5,000.

You’ll also need to purchase business emails and domains. This alone can cost you $92.00.

Whereas, if you purchase a domain with Wealthy Affiliate, you’ll automatically get a unlimited business email accounts.

By the way, a domain name with Wealthy Affiliate is $13.99 to $15.99 per year which includes SSL and many other features.

Most domain registrars charges for the domain name and email separately.

Wealthy Affiliate Training

I’ve seen other blogs state, that Wealthy Affiliate encourages its members to promote the Wealthy Affiliate membership.

Actually, that’s far from the truth.

When you join, you’re encouraged to choose something that you’re passionate about. WA doesn’t choose your path for you.

There are two courses you can take.

  • Online Entrepreneur Certification– this is where you choose a niche of your choice.
  • Affiliate Bootcamp – this is where you choose to promote Wealthy Affiliate. I wouldn’t recommend promoting Wealthy Affiliate unless, it is absolutely your last resort.

About the training, I believe some of the information within the community could be organized a bit better.

Kyle does go through the training a few times a year and updates it.

Just recently, all training videos were replaced with more optimized ones.

Who Teaches Wealthy Affiliate’s Training?

The main training within Wealthy Affiliate is done by Kyle.

One of the Co-Founder.

Kyle Wealthy Affiliate Review
Kyle One Of The Co-founders

It’s 100% step by step action based training. Training is delivered in Video format and written format.

So, far Wealthy Affiliate is the best training style that I’ve ever experienced within a course.

After each training video, you’ll have tasks to complete.

You can implement and take action on what you learned.

Watch the video’s at your own pace.

They’re accessible on any mobile device.

Many people actually watch the training videos during their lunch breaks at work.

I myself, like to watch them when I get quiet time.

Regardless, the training for the entire community is instructed by one of the Co-founder’s, which he does keep updated.

Besides, you must have the most accurate and updated information, when it comes to the search engine and affiliate marketing.

Besides, to keep up with the search engines, you do need to have the most accurate and updated information, and Wealthy Affiliate ensures that we are all on track.

Live Webinars Are Done By Jay The Expert

Every week, there’s a live weekly webinar with the WA trainer Jay.

Jay Wealthy Affiliate Review
Jay The Wealthy Affiliate Trainer

During the webinar, you’ll also have the ability to ask questions. Usually, this is done at the end of each webinar.

Each week before the webinar, you’ll get a notification on your Wealthy Affiliate dashboard.

You’ll have the choice to pre-subscribe or not.

Worry none if you can’t attend the live webinar!

As long as you subscribe to the webinar a replay will be sent directly to your inbox. And, if you forget to subscribe you’ll still have access, all you have to do is search the “Live Events” platform for the video that you’re looking for.

​Wealthy Affiliate’s Community Training

The community members is something different.

Each member has the opportunity to add their own training to the platform. This option isn’t available until you have been a member for at least 3 months.

With the community training, you’ll find training from both experts and beginners.

You’ll find blog articles and training videos that can help you even further.

​The point is since affiliate marketing and Google search engines can change quit often.

You’ll always have the know how, when you log in.

​What I Like About Wealthy Affiliate?

#1. ​The Training Works

​Wealthy Affiliate is the place that I learned to make my first dollar online.

I had no clue that the training would work. I didn’t even know what I was doing. I just ran with it.

Followed the training and put in the required work.

I believe it was around my 40th day that I had earned my first commission.

Full disclaimer here, everyone will earn income at different rates.

Some people earn their first commission within weeks, while others can takes months or years.

#2. Many Tools Are Provided

I’ve joined many courses, and not one of them provided as much as you’ll get with Wealthy Affiliate. You can almost say that WA provides you some what of a business in a box.

Almost every tool that you need to get started online is provided to you.

Such as:

  • 100% Step-By-Step Fool Proof Training.
  • Live ​Weekly Friday Night Webinars with Q&A sessions
  • 24/7 Community Support
  • ​Hosting for up to 50 websites
  • 3000 + WordPress Website Themes To Choose From
  • Keyword Research Tool Included as a Premium Member
  • Live Interactive Support & Communication By Private Messaging
  • You Don’t Need To Login To Facebook
  • Site Comments
  • Site Feedback
  • ​24/7 Tech Support
  • 24/7 Live Chat
  • Unlimited Email Addresses For Your Business
  • Domain Names Cheaper Than GoDaddy & NameCheap
  • ​Multiple Ways For You To E​arn Within The WA Platform.
  • ​Help & Responses From ​The Owners
  • Automated Message System For Any Of Your Referrals
  • Tracking System Fro Your Links
  • ​A Simple Landing Page To Invite Others
  • ​​2 Affiliate Programs
  • ​A Blog Within WA T​hat Can Be Seen Outside Of Wealthy Affiliate. (If someone where to join from one of your links and become a premium member, you would make commissions from it.
  • ​Banner Ads

#3. It’s Cost Effective

If you’re on a budget, and would like support, training, and hosting for your website. Wealthy Affiliate is for you.

The list that I provided above, comes with your premium membership. I do recommend you, to begin as a free starter member first. See if WA is a good fit for.

Make Money Online With Wealthy Affiliate

#4. The Owners Are Always Present

WA is the first place, that I’ve discovered, where the owners are interacting, helping, and encouraging you to succeed.

Again, I’ve tried other communities but the owners are more into making themselves a profit before helping you.

#5. ​Awesome 24/7/365 Community Support

I enjoy being within the community.

It’s like a se​cond home.

The community is one of the most powerful-est communities out there. Especially, when it comes to building an online business.

You’ll learn to share knowledge and help others, plus networking.

Meaning, that you we help each other out.

No one will be left out.

The best part is, the community is like no other.

It’s not held within Facebook Groups.

Nor is it conducted on a cheaply made platform.

It kind of reminds me of an advanced Facebook, Webtalk, and LinkedIn Platform put together.

#6. ​The Owners T​ruly Do Care

Above all, I’ve witnessed so many improvements within the platform.

Every year it gets better and better.

The owners truly do care about your success.

They don’t try to up-sell you on any other products. Nor do they increase the price. I’ve never seen the price increase.

Kyle and Carson have created a way for Wealthy Affiliate members to earn extra money. The idea behind this is to help members pay for their membership.

How cool is that?

#7. There’s Many Ways To Earn And Learn

​I’ve just mentioned this above, but just in case you missed it.

WA is always impressing it’s members.

One of the most impressive things to show that they care about it’s members, is that they are always implementing new ideas.

One of them is to help Wealthy Affiliate members earn money or credits.

These credits are used for your membership, to buy domains, get credits to your blog.

#8. The Tech Support Is Awesome

If being a non-techy is holding you back. Worry none!

Whenever anything goes wrong with your site, the tech team will automatically fix the issue. Their response time, is typically under 5 minutes.

Carson Wealthy Affilaite Review
Carson The Other Co-Founder

Carson, the other Co-Founder is the guy behind all the tech. You’ll see Carson in the community but, because, he runs all the behind scenes type of stuff. You won’t see him as much.

What I Don’t Like About Wealthy Affiliate​?

#1. The Training Material Could Be Organized Better

Due to all the information and training within the platform. The navigation of the community could use some updating.

But, hey I’ve never created a community the size of WA. So, I couldn’t tell you the slightest thing of what it would take to update the navigation.

I’ve learned to breathe and take it one step at a time.

Work at your own pace.

Don’t try to keep up with others.

Things will be a lot easier this way.

It’s a huge community that just hit 2 million subscribers.

One thing I didn’t realize was due to the training being a bit unorganized. I missed some important steps in my blog’s setup.

I’m sure the information is within Wealthy Affiliate somewhere but…

It wasn’t until I took Blog Simple FrameWork, that I realized I should be writing Evergreen content. My traffic has suffered from this simple mistake.

#2. Using Free Traffic ​- SEO STYLE

I don’t know whether to be grateful, that I’m learning SEO or not.

I’ve spent at least a thousand dollars on paid traffic and received no results.

But…let me tell yeah…SEO can take awhile to kick in.

No one ever told me that when I first joined.

It can take anywhere from 3 to 6 months before Google even gives your site any recognition.

So, initially I thought the SEO method would be great.

Don’t get me wrong!

Now it​ is…indeed great.

But, at first it wasn’t the best experience.

​Here is the downside to SEO.

It takes time.

It depends on many factors.

Most of it is out of your control.

Because the BIG G controls when they will show your site.

Even the best SEO expert can’t predict the day your site will be shown.

Depending on your niche that you choose and competition within your niche.

It could take weeks, or months before you see any traffic results.

Another downside is learning to find low competition keywords.

It’s a skill that you ​won’t learn overnight.

​Who Is Wealthy Affiliate​​ For?

​As mentioned earlier WA isn’t for everyone.

However, the community currently is filled with people of all backgrounds.

  • Beginners
  • College Dropouts
  • University Students
  • People Who Want To Get Out Of Debt
  • You Want A Side Hustle
  • Travelers
  • Retired Individuals
  • ​Military Veterans
  • Disabled Veterans
  • ​Active Duty Soldiers
  • Software Engineers or Computer Programmers
  • Doctors & Lawyers
  • Real​tors
  • Passive or Residual Income Seekers
  • Local Business Owners Who Need A Website
  • Stay At Home Moms & Dads
  • Single Parents
  • Couples
  • People Who Want To Potentially Get Rid Of Their Job
  • Highly Successful Marketers
  • Or Anyone Seeking Financial & Location Freedom

The point is Wealthy Affiliate is for anyone who is willing to put in work.

​Who Should Not Join Wealthy Affiliate?

​Although, the training within the platform does work.

It’s not for everyone because, we do create multiple streams of income by building niche websites and driving free traffic with SEO methods, which takes time, learning, and hard work.

By the way, it’s essential to know that anyone can achieve success online.

So, with that said, the following people may not want to join.

  • If you’re not willing to learn and put in the work.
  • If you don’t have the patience to wait on “The Big G”
  • You don’t have at least $50 per month to spare.
  • You don’t want to be your own boss.
  • Or if you’re looking for overnight success. It certainly doesn’t happen like that.
  • You need money right now.

By the way, to be as straight forward as I can be with you. I have documented the complaints that I’ve seen within the community.

Other than that, Wealthy Affiliate can work for you.

​Pin Me Please! 😀

Wealthy Affilite Review What About Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate Cost

Below I will go over the cost of Wealthy Affiliate. There are two memberships. After premium membership, there’s no other level.

Free Starter ​ Vs. Premium Membership

​There is a difference between the two memberships.

Of course, as a Premium member you will unlock the entire platform.

By the way, I recommend everyone to start off as a starter member to make sure this is the right opportunity for you. ​

Wealthy Affiliate Starter Membership (It’s FREE)

  • ​Build up to 1 siterubix websites
  • WordPress themes to choose from
  • Jaaxy Starter (30 keyword search)
  • Read all WA blogs ​and follow up to 200 people in the community​.
  • Online Certification Entrepreneur course level 1
  • Affiliate Bootcamp level 1
  • Site SSL Security
  • ​Add or update profile
  • Beginner website hosting package
  • ​7 Days 24/7 Live Help
  • 7 Days Q&A
  • 7 Days Personal Blog

Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership

($49.00 per month or $359 per year)

Please Note: There are other payment options as well. If you decide to go with a premium membership, you’ll be given different options.

  • 1,000’s of Tutorials & other additional training
  • ​The entire training platform is accessed
  • ​Web hosting that can handle 500k website visitors per month
  • ​Site Builder
  • Enterprise Site Security
  • BotNet Security
  • Website backups
  • Site Comments + Site Feedback
  • Over 3000 WordPress Themes
  • Earn Revenue with Jaaxy & WA affiliate program
  • Access information to third party affiliate programs​
  • ​SSL Certificate
  • ​Keyword research tool is included We use Jaaxy!
  • ​52 Live weekly webinars
  • ​​up to 25 domain names
  • ​Can have a total of 50 websites
  • ​Unlimited emails
  • ​Instant Help
  • ​Live Chat
  • ​​1-on-1 marketing mentorship
  • ​Community support like no other
  • ​All Online Certification Entrepreneur Course (50 Lessons)
  • ​BootCamp training (70 Lessons)
  • ​12 Classrooms
  • ​Earn credits creating your own training
  • ​WA Authority blog

Premium Membership – 3 Payment Options

  • Monthly option – $49.00 per month ($1.62 per day)
  • ​6 Month Option – $39.00 per month (20% discount whi​ch equates to $1.30 per day)
  • ​​Yearly Option – $359 per year ​(39% discount which equates to $0.98 per day)

Domain Names

You’re website will need a domain name. Thankfully, Wealthy Affiliate gives their members pretty decent prices.

  • ​As low as $13.99 to $15.99 yearly. The domain names also come with unlimited business email addresses. Privacy for your contact details, and SSL encryption.

Other than that there are no additional cost. These prices haven’t changed in the last 15 years.

​Wrapping This Wealthy Affiliate Review Up

​Phew…now, I know that was a long review but, there is so much more to Wealthy Affiliate, than is said within this article.

The bottom  line, is I do recommend this community over any other program because, it works.

​Plus, in my opinion, Wealthy Affiliate is the most cost-effective platform, for a beginner, and for someone who doesn’t want to spend a whole lot to get a business going.

So, if you would like to get started as a free member then join me ​on the next page.

You’ll simply enter you email address. Set up your profile, and start your first lesson. ​Thank you, for reading my Wealthy Affiliate Review.

Questions Or Comments

Do you have any questions about Wealthy Affiliate? Or would you like to leave your experience or success that you’ve achieved because of Wealthy Affiliate? Either way, I would like to hear from you.

Make Money Online With Wealthy Affiliate