Personal Development Affiliate Program – Mary Morrissey

  • Do you like making a difference in people’s lives?  
  • What about generous commissions?

This personal development affiliate program by Mary Morrissey, may be for you.

In this review you’ll learn how it works? And what you need to do to get started.


Owner: Mary Morrissey

Best For: Anyone who believes in Mary Morrissey’s message.

Do I recommend Mary Morrissey Referal Program? Yes

Summary: Ms. Morrissey’s program is for affiliates that like to make a difference in lives.

No matter what niche you’re in, it’s free to join.

Who Is Mary Morrissey?

I get this question quite a bit.

So, I thought it’d be nice to introduce you to Ms. Morrissey.

Below is an image of her speaking at the DreamBuilder Live Event.

Especially, if you don’t know who she is by now.

For 40+ years, Mary has worn many top-tier hats.

For one, she’s a well-known life coach.

In fact, she’s one of the world’s leading experts, turning dreams into reality.

Hence, she doesn’t call her flagship program, “The DreamBuilder” for nothing.

Let’s not forget that she’s also sold two best selling author books.

And, she’s been changing people’s lives through her inspirational speeches for years.

What Is The Mary Morrissey Affiliate Program?

It’s where you decide to partner up with Mary, and promote her services and products.

I’ll explain how this program works here shortly. But, first let’s go over what Mary has to offer.

What Services And Products Does Mary Offer?

There’s several services that Mary offers. As an affiliate you can share up to 5 programs.

There’s both evergreen courses. And live events.

Mary Morrissey Evergreen Courses

If you’re not familiar with the word Evergreen. In marketing, this means that the program stays up to date, and it’s relevant for long term.

Below you’ll find the 3 Evergreen courses for Mary’s referral program.

The DreamBuilder Program

Mary’s flagship program known as “The DreamBuilder Program.” It’s 12 weeks of audio. Sent once per week with actionable steps.

My Morning Mentor

“My Morning Mentor” is a 90 day program, where Mary Morrissey helps people get closer to their goals.

Learn to apply 5 universal laws through daily yet powerful morning messages.

Into Your Genius

“Into Your Genius” is a 6 week audio program. Mary and Bob Proctor together helps your audience unlock their 6 extraordinary superpowers.

2 of Mary Morrissey’s Live Events

The DreamBuilder Live Event

“The DreamBuilder Live Event” is exactly what it says. Instead of sharing the course, via audio, video, or email. Give your audience the opportunity to meet Mary Morrissey in person. 

8 Spiritual Secrets For Multiplying Your Money

Her newest program is “8 Spiritual Secrets For Multiplying Your Money.”

This course is the newest. It teaches the power of purpose with guided audio mediation.

Since it had a huge success last fall, Mary decided to bring it back.

How Does Mary Morrissey Referral Partner Program Work?

Now, that we’ve went over all 5 courses. Let me explain how they work.

As you’ve discovered there are 3 evergreen courses. You can share the evergreen courses throughout the entire year.

If you’ve forgotten which program is evergreen. Worry none! I’ve listed them below.

  • The DreamBuilder Program
  • My Morning Mentor
  • Into Your Genius

The Live Events, are time sensitive. Meaning, you’re notified in advance the dates and time of the event.

For example, the next big launch (live event) will be March 15, 2020.

As an affiliate you’ll need to prepare to share. So, don’t wait until March 2020 to join. You’ll want to join now.

Mary’s affiliate managers will email all affiliates in advance.

So, a few weeks, and sometimes months early. The team emails you with updates about an upcoming launch.

You don’t want to miss out on any important information.

Mary Morrissey Launches Will Make You Big Checks

How Much Money Can You Make With Mary Morrissey Personal Development Affiliate Programs?

Making a difference in the lives of others, it’s a fantastic gift to have.

Worry none!

You don’t have to be the expert. Leave that to Mary.

If you want to become a part of this award-winning program. You’ll enjoy the generous commissions that Mary loves to pay her affiliates.

On all the products and services that you can sell for Mary Morrissey, you’ll earn a 50% commission.

Below you’ll find, the possibilities.

The Dream Builder Program cost a customer $497, and you’ll receive 50% of that.

DreamBuilder Live Event ranges from $197 to $397. You’ll earn 50% if you’re able to convert this offer.

Into You Genius cost $297. Of course you’ll earn 50% of this offer.

My Morning Mentor is $269.64 for one year, or $29.97 per month, with the possibility of earning 50%.

8 Spiritual  Secrets For Multiplying Your Money. The cost is $397. Rest assured you’ll earn 50% if you can get people to join.

On top of the generous commissions. Mary also runs contest. With the contest you’ll have a bigger chance of earning more.

Either way, each big launch, comes with different prize opportunity.

As you can imagine, this personal development affiliate program can change your finances.

More Ways To Make Money With Mary Morrissey Affiliate Program.

Not only will you earn by selling Mary’s products.

You can also earn second tier commissions for all your affiliates, that generate a sale. You’ll receive 10% on all sales.

Plus, if you’re reading this article and you’re all ready a marketer. This next message is for you. If you think you have a program that Mary’s subscribers can’t resist. She’s on the lookout.

If you meet the requirements. Mary would love to hear about your personal development program.

She may consider sharing it with here community of over 200,000 happy customers.

What You Should Know About Mary Morrissey Personal Development Affiliate Program?

You may have further questions about this program. So, below I cover everything that I can think of.

The DreamBuilder Launch Is Different For 2020

Recently, Mary changed her launch model.

In the past, The DreamBuilder Live Event would launch only once or twice a year.

This year 2020 she’s having a few big launches. So, if you enjoy generous commissions. And helping people improve their live, this program is for you.

Who Can Join Mary’s Affiliate Program?

No matter what niche you’re in, this program is for everyone.

This opportunity is available in 250 countries.

As long as you’re 18, and in good standing with the Federal Trade Commissions.

And, not involved with violent or explicit material. You can join.

Even as a complete beginner. You’re able to join Mary Morrissey’s Referral Partner Program for FREE.

No product purchase is necessary.

You may need a website.

While you don’t have to start off with an email list. Having one is a good idea. Either way, when I started this program I did not have an email list.

Also, having a website will allow you to drive consistent free traffic to your offer. Have you started a blog, yet?

How And When Will You Receive Commissions?

When filling out your affiliate registration form. Make sure you provide accurate mailing details.

Once you make a sale, you’ll receive your commission check through the mail.

It usually, takes 45 to 60 days after your monthly sales have cleared before you receive your check.

Is Mary Morrissey Affiliate Program Legit?

If you’re wondering if this program is a scam or not.

Because, let’s face it you’ve seen Mary famous saying “She loves paying BIG Giant Checks.”

Rest assured, that it’s legit. This is the exact program that helped me earn my first commissions online. Mary does pay on time, and all checks clear.

High Paying Personal Development Affiliate Program

The Pros

Tested, Optimized, and Proven To Convert

The products and services that you’ll promote are high-quality. Mary is well-known so, her products sale.

The sales funnels that you’re given are incredible.

They’re tested, optimized, and they do convert. You’ll have access to banner ads, email swipes, and graphics.

All you must do is drive traffic, and the team will do the rest.

An Awesome  JV Management Team for Mary Morrissey

Once you join, you’ll have access to the affiliate management team. The ladies that will assist you are wonderful.

They respond immediately to each concern.

If you ever need anything or have questions. Feel free to email them.

The affiliate managers also send out updates quite often. So, always be on the lookout.

The emails will inform you of upcoming launches. They will also tell you what to do next.

High Ticket Commission Offer

Why not get paid for what you love to do? This will be the 8th launch. So, it’s not the first or the last time, that you’ll see this opportunity.

The offers have been tested rigorously. So, rest assured you’ll get the best quality experience for yourself and leads.

How To Drive Traffic To The Products?

Once you’re given access to your affiliate dashboard. You’ll have access to banner ads.

You can share your banner ads on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Also, every launch Mary’s team gives out email swipes. If you have a list use the email swipes that Mary provides. They’ve tested and it’s proven to convert.

8 thoughts on “Personal Development Affiliate Program – Mary Morrissey”

  1. This sounds like a promising affiliate referral program, although I agree with your assessment that it doesn’t sound like it’s ideal for newcomers. You already need to have the infrastructure in place (subscribers, blog, etc) to really benefit.

  2. Thanks for the information, I checked this website and found out that they also offer several programs that probably worth to explore. Thanks for tips.

  3. Thank you very much for the article. I am looking for personal development program, which is one my top goal for 2018. Your article is a timely gift for me. I will follow you update and try to attend the program

    • You’re Welcome! I am so happy that you found the article helpful. And, that is an awesome goal to have for 2018. I will be updating the personal development program as time goes on. There are other options if you are not able to attend which is the “My Morning Mentor”, which I wrote and article on recently. I wish you the best in all you do. Thank you for stopping by, Anthony!

      Much Success to you!?

  4. I appreciate your honest review of this program. It sounds like a lot of people are making money with it, but it does require a lot of your own leg work. As an affiliate marketer but a beginner myself, I may consider a program like this down the road.

    I do have a question though. When it comes to this niche, is she the most profitable affiliate provider out there? I look forward to hearing your answer. Thank you for sharing and I hope you have a great day!

    • Hi, Alex! I appreciate you stopping.

      Yes, I definitely would consider this program down the road if you are a beginner in affiliate marketing. Once you have some knowledge in the game then this would be a perfect program if you chose a niche like self development.

      When it comes to the personal or self help niche. Mary Morrissey is not the most profitable affiliate provider.
      I did some investigation for you and I found one program that happens to be more profitable than this program itself. It is called Which you can make up to $900 in sales. I will dive deeper into the program to get the full details for you.

      So, keep on the lookout for the updates. Thank you for stopping by! ?


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