About LaKisha

Hey there, La’Kisha here, the founder of OnlineMoneyNoScams.com

I built OnlineMoneyNoScams.com to help people like yourself make smart buying decisions when it comes to joining home based business opportunities.

How Do I Do That?

I do this by purchasing home based business programs.  After I have purchased the product:

  • I study it
  • Test it out myself
  • Then I review it in-depth.

I also join different money making opportunities and test the legitimacy of the program. It’s almost like being a scam detective. 🕵🏼‍♀️

By the way, I do not recommend products or services that I myself would NEVER buy. I also would never risk your financial status for the purpose of earning money.

If I find a program risky and don’t feel comfortable placing an order with my credit card. I most definitely would never ever recommend you to do the same.

Warning: I wasn’t paid by any product creator to recommend their product or services. Each review on this blog has been written by me, Lakisha. And the reviews are solely my own personal opinion, findings and or experience.

After I have taken the time to research and review the product. I then come back and report my findings back to you via an updated article.

I will then let you know if I recommend the product or if I do not recommend the product. From there is your choice on what you decide.

So, Why Would I Want To Help You?

It really irks me to know that there are con artist out there that literally have no shame in taking other people’s hard earned money. So, I do all the research for you, so that you don’t have to.

Important TIP here:👉👉 I chase scams so that you don’t have to. This not only helps you avoid scams. It saves you time. Teaches you to be more mindful, which will eventually help you make better purchasing decisions.👈👈

So, How Am I Qualified To Help You Avoid Scams?

I’m qualified to help you avoid scams because, I have been chasing and fighting scams for the last 3 years. 

On top of that I was a scam victim myself.

In fact, I’ve been scammed many times.

Online and offline.

It all started when I was an online beginner. New to the internet world full of sharks.

Back in 2017, was the first time I joined a business program. I was scammed out of $3000 or more dollars.

Yes, I was scammed

….Can you believe that???

When it first happened… I couldn’t wrap my head around it.

I could not understand why someone would want to intentionally be a scammer. 🤔

Now that I think about it 🕵🏼‍♀️….I’m thankful that it happened to me like that.


Just why in the world? Would anyone be thankful that they got scammed?👂

I’ll tell ya why…

  1. It taught me to never get scammed again. Especially if I can help it.
  2. It taught me what to look for within a program. And what to avoid. (The Red Flags)
  3. It also taught me that there are people making a killing right from home and this is nothing new.

I tried to look on the positive side so, I was more than happy to know that I only lost $3k because guess what?🎤

…..I almost lost my brand new house.😲

By the way the company was called MOBE. 😮

After, I invested $3000 to be on their business Gold level.

The team of sales people at MOBE tried to convivence me to place my entire house up for refinancing. Thank goodness, we were under a VA loan and the VA wasn’t having it.

In a short but long story, My 7-figure business coach constantly reminded me, 👉Lakisha if you’re serious about business this is what you need to further your business. You need to position yourself within your business 👈which would’ve cost me👀 more than $60k.👀

At the time I had no clue what the heck this guy was talking about.

Let me tell ya….

I’m so glad that I had enough sense not to sign on the dotted line because a few months later 👉the Federal Trade Commission shut that home based business opportunity down.👈

👉 I lost my $3000 course, my business website, my daily coaching, and my ego almost went out the door too.

I would’ve been S.O.L if I refinanced my home during this ordeal.

That’s when I learned real quick that it’s very, very important to research EVERYTHING, ask questions, and sit on any decision before you make a final decision.

So, Why did I start this website?

I started this website to help people like you.

By the way, this website doesn’t have the most attractive name but, hey I was an uneducated beginner with a mission. 🕵🏼‍♀️

I did not know how to build a website, let alone naming one.

My main mission was to help others like yourself….👉 I wanted to help you find different ways to make money online but at the same time I don’t want you to get scammed. That’s very important to me….👉It’s important that you keep your hard earned money in your wallet or purse.👜

👀I’m sure you need that money to raise your children. Support your family. And to survive in this crazy world. Besides your the one that had to work hard for it. 👀

Either way, although I lost a lot of money along the way.👉 I’ve learned a TON as well. ✔

On this website I’m constantly trying to improve it. I like to share the things that I’ve learned along the way. So, if you’d like to follow along please do so.

So, Who is this website for?

  • If you want to join a program but don’t know who to trust. ✔
  • If your looking for different ways to earn an income online. ✔
  • If you’ve been scammed, this blog is definitely for you. ✔

I’m here to help you avoid the same pain I went through. If you ever have questions, or need help don’t hesitate to let me know. I will be glad to assist you when I can. To your continued success Be Safe Out There and Don’t Get Scammed!

6 thoughts on “About LaKisha”

  1. OMG! This is a fabulous site. I learn SaleHoo from you. Your site is beautiful. How long r u in Affiliate so far? You have many posts I am going to walk thro’ them all asap. R u in SaleHoo and others as a member? Do you think I have to join salehoo to help My WA. Thanks 4 ur comments at my post.

    Be in touch!


    • Hi Ngain, I have been an affiliate of Wealthy Affiliate for almost three months now. I work hard producing an article. I try and write one every 2 to 3 days, sometimes, it is not always possible but, I do try my best keeping all my readers up to date.

      SaleHoo, I am an affiliate of SaleHoo but, I do not participate in drop shipping. I actually prefer affiliate marketing. For me it is a lot easier because, I do not have to handle any products, money, or sales. No, you don’t have to join SaleHoo, that is really your choice. I had to join SaleHoo, to dive into the review for my readers. And, you are absolutely welcome. I hope I answered all your questions, have a nice day!

  2. Hi Kisha,

    Nice meeting u at the community. I just joined WA not even a month now. I was very poor in English because I was a Science Graduate but I don’t know how powerful is my passion here that it polishes my writing skills like this. Your site is overall very beautiful and perfectly build. I am going to follow your footstep, O.K.?

    • Hi, Shngain, thank you for stopping by! I really appreciate your kind words. Writing does that to you and brings out your inner passions, so awesome job in finding your passion in writing. It is a great business to be in. And, of course you can follow my footsteps. I am very happy that you enjoy my site. It really means a lot to me. Shngain, have an awesome day!

    • Thank you, Roy for all of your kind words.

      I built this site from scratch. Of course, with no coding involved but, when I first started off, I had no idea how to build sites.

      So, it did take a lot of learning and hard work to get it to look like this, you certainly wouldn’t have recognized it in its beginning staged. It wasn’t the most appealing thing to the eye.

      Anyhow, I guess we all have to start and learn somewhere. Thanks, for stopping by…I wish you a wonderful day…all the best and much success….


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