Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting

Introduction to Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting

Wealthy Affiliate hosting has been around for 16 years.

To get a better understanding of how Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting Works, first you need to understand that WA’s web hosting is not a stand alone hosting.

Instead it is an in-house hosting, that comes with a:

  • WordPress Website
  • Affiliate marketing training
  • Website support
  • Community + Live Chat Support
  • And many more features that no other hosting company can offer.

Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting Offers

Site Comments A Feature That No Other Host Offers

Do blog comments really matter?

Some say they do, while others say don’t bother.

Well, regardless of what what matters or not, Google has advised their quality raters to rate blog comments. So, this gives me the reason to believe that comments do matter to an extinct.

Blog comments can also help your blog readers, learn, communicate with you and others, plus build trust.

Either way, blog comments are helpful in many ways .

But, be very careful…

Not all blog comments are valuable. Some will cause you headaches, while other may not be relevant to your content, and then some….are just plain ole spam.

None of the previously mentioned comments are helpful to you or your audience.

They can cause confusion and weigh you down.

In addition to those comments, there are also comments that come with no-follow links and do-follow links.

The no-follow link comments are helpful to your audience but not for your blog.

No-follow links do absolutely nothing for your SEO rankings.  

Back to the point, with Wealthy Affiliate integrated site comments, first off you must have an active membership to get this feature.

Next you must have a website that’s hosted at Wealthy Affiliate to take advantage of this benefit.

One benefit of using Wealthy Affiliate hosting is having access to site comments.

All the comments that you receive on your WA hosted website through Site Comments is from a Wealthy Affiliate member. 

In addition to this, the idea behind site comments is, to help each other out.

The second benefit that you can earn credits for leaving site comments on other Wealthy Affiliate members websites that are hosted at WA.

The credits that you earn can be used for other things.

Such as:

  • Exchange for Cash
  • Helping pay for your premium WA membership
  • Or to purchase future domains …. 

By the way, if you do not have a website hosted at Wealthy Affiliate, you can still receive comments. As long as you’re an active member, you’ll have to use the give and take feed.

How Many Sites Can You Host With Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting?

Great quesiton? The number of websites that you can host with Wealthy AFfiliate’s hosting depends on your membership level. There are three memebrship levels.

Starter Membership – last for 7 days, and you’ll be able to host one website during that 7 day try before you buy deal.

Premium Members – Cost $49.00 per month and you can host up to 10 websites

Premium Plus – Cost $99.00 per month and you can host up to 25 branded websites and 25 siterubix websites.

Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting Support

For the most part, you will receive help from WA tech support.

The Tech support is available to active Wealthy Affiliate members. If you do not have a website hosted at Wealthy Affiliate and you need help with your website, you’ll need to contact your site’s current host.

Either way, I have like this love/hate relationship with WA’s tech support. Sometimes, they are very helpful, while other times they almost useless because, they helped you get nowhere.

I guess this can be a good and a bad thing. A bad thing because, well as a new website owner you need help. Like right now type of help! And it can be viewed as good, because, due to Wealthy Affiliate tech support not helping, I have learned many skills outside of WA as well.

Either way, I’m thankful to Wealthy Affiliate Tech Support because, just last month I deleted this entire blog by accident.

  • My images
  • Videos
  • Comments
  • And all 200+ post where gone within a click of a button

One mistake made me lose a lot of hard work. So, site support does come in handy.

Either way, Wealthy Affiliate website support does come into handy when you need them the most. They came in so much handy, that Wealthy Affiliate tech support recovered my entire website without me being present.

They told me to not worry. It would be fixed.

The point is, if you can view this website right now, that means that site support accomplished their mission. Therefore, I would say that the site support is good.

Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting Offers Site Content

Are you a professional copywriter?

If so, then site content probably isn’t something that will interest you.

On the other hand, if you’ve never written an article, site content may be something that you could use.

As a new writer, writing content can be tedious, time consuming, and sometimes it’ll feel down right draining. But, with site content you could remain motivated because, site content helps you set writing goals.

It’ll keep track of what you wrote today, last week, and last month. No other host offers a feature like this. Also within Site Content all active members have access to 500,000+ images.

Is Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting A Scam?

No, Wealthy Affiliate hosting has been around for 16 years and I’ve personally used them for the last 3 years.

Also, Wealthy Affiliate hosting isn’t well-known because, at the time of this article, the hosting isn’t a stand alone feature. To utilize the Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting, you would have to become an active member.

Who Is Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting For?

The hosting at Wealthy Affiliate may not be for everyone. If you like to use cPanel, then WA hosting is not for you. If you like to have control over your cPanel FTTP records, then WA is not for you.

Wealthy Affiliate members do not have access to cPanel. Wealthy Affiliate handles any of those request on the background. As a WA hosting member, you will not have to worry about technical things.

Therefore, Wealthy Affiliate hosting is for people who do not want to be stressed out about technical features.

The bottom line is, Wealthy Affiliate hosting is for a complete beginner.

Final Thoughts Of Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting

I’ve been using Wealthy Affiliate hosting for the last 3 years, and truth is my website has never been off line. It might not be the fastest web hosting out there but, I can tell you one thing about WA hosting is that your website will always be online.

And, if it does happen to ever go down Wealthy Affiliate tech support works really hard to get your site back up and running as soon as they possibly can. I recommend Wealthy Affiliate hosting to new members because, when you decide to learn how to build affiliate blogs, there’s a lot to learn.

Hosting is just one another stressful part that can be put to the side for now if you were to host your website with Wealthy Affiliate web hosting. Do you have any questions regarding Wealthy Affiliate hosting?

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