Blog Simple Framework Review: 1 Uncomplicated Blogging Course

Welcome to my Blog Simple Framework Review…

It wasn’t until I took this blogging course, and realized everyone, teaches how to start a blog in different ways.

If you want to start a blog and don’t know how. This review may be for you.

Blogging shouldn’t be complicated.

But…if you’re given the wrong or outdated information.

It can be.

In this review, you’ll learn how Blog Simple Framework gives you simple steps to get started.

By the way, the training is done by a very successful Entrepreneur named Paul Scrivens.

Brief Blog Simple FrameWork Summary


Owner: Paul Scrivens

Product Type: Blogging Bundle + Affiliate Marketing Course

Cost: One Time Payment of $999 or you can make 4 payments of $299

(Price is subject to change. It can go up or down)

Do I recommend it? Yes

Summary: Blog Simple Framework is a blogging course, developed for a beginner.

It teaches you step by step how to launch a blog. Create proper content. Design your website. Drive traffic. And so many other goodies that you’ll need in your blogging journey.

There’s no monthly payments. So, if you’re a one and done deal type of person. This course may be for you.

Blog Simple Affilaite Marketing And Blog Simple Niche Selection Courses

What Is Blog Simple FrameWork?

Blog Simple Framework is a course.

More like a bundled course. It teaches you how to start a blog that makes money.

Many new bloggers start a blog. Then they tend to work on tasks that won’t produce any results.

Worry no further! It’s normal. You’re a beginner, we’ve all been there, including me.

Sometimes, I still get sidetracked myself.

As a beginner there’s so many steps that you have to learn.

So, although this course is called Blog Simple Framework, blogging is not as easy as you may think.

I’m not saying this to scare you away. I just thought you should know what you’re up against.

This course teaches you how to focus on things that DO matter. And, NOT to worry about things that don’t matter.

If you’re looking for real money. Not pennies. Or barely scraping by…

Paul Scrivens the creator of the course.

Doesn’t sugarcoat anything.

He won’t B.S. the blogging process.

If you don’t have the proper guidance you could waste a lot of time. Worst case scenario, you could start a blog and never make a dime.

I see new bloggers complain all the time. It happens.

Is Blog Simple FrameWork Course For You?

If following your passion is what you want to hear. This course doesn’t teach you that.

By the way everyone’s passion isn’t profitable.

Not saying you can’t make any money with your passion but, I am saying you might not make as much as you hoped for.

Either way, if you’re Looking for a hobby blog?

This course isn’t for you either. Don’t waste your money. In fact, the truth is all you need to do is start a blog.

By the way, hobby bloggers don’t even need a course. All you need is a guide on setting up your blog.

But, if building a 6-figure blog interest you. Then Watch the FREE Master Workshop Today.

Are you Struggling with your current blog?

I’ll admit it’s the course is a bit pricey. But and it’s increased since I’ve joined.

But…with all fairness, I am a current member myself.

This blog that you’re reading right now was hit with the October 25th, 2019 Google update.

I lost a TON of traffic.

Losing traffic while you have money coming in consistently, is devastating…

I had no idea what was going on.

After taking Blog Simple Framework course, I learned a lot of mistakes that I had been making.

My content creation was horrible, which I’m currently improving upon. Keyword research was not on point. The list can go on and on.

I started this blog with no plan of action. I just knew I wanted to help people avoid scams online, and took a leap.

The point is this course does shed a ton of light, not only for beginners but, for bloggers that are stuck too.

The awesome thing about Blog Simple Framework is there’s a 365-day money back guaranteed if you pay in full. Yes, you read that right? Scrivs is the man with an action plan.

Is Blog Simple FrameWork For Everyone?

After taking a ton of courses. I’ve learned that not every course is for everyone. But, if you have a desire to change your life financially, yes it’s for you.

It’s even for a blogger that hasn’t made any money with their blog. If you’ve been working on your blog for the at least 6 months to a year.

It’s time to pick your head up and rethink your strategies or niche. You could also search for what you’re missing, and that could be an unending loop.

No Fluff. No Sales Pitch. Just Pure Knowledge….

Who Created Blog Simple FrameWork?

Paul Scrivens is the creator of this courses, and many more.

He’s also the guy who created Billionaire Blog Club, which is now called Dare To Conquer.

Paul is what I like to consider a BIG Time Blogger, Successful Entrepreneur, and a Real Risk Taker.

More importantly, he’s truthful.

You can stop wishing and start doing. Watch Paul’s video below…

His training is laid out in an easy to understand format.

What Are The Simple Steps to Start Your Blog?

Creating over 20 blogs in many different niches.

Paul proves that you don’t need to know one thing about a niche. Nor, do you need to be passionate about the niche.

4 categories that you can break a potential niche into.

  • Interest
  • Passion
  • Expertise
  • Opportunity

Which one do you fall under?

In his Niche Selection course, he breaks things down in a way for you to get unstuck.

He’ll help you realize that even if you have no clue where to start. There’s still an opportunity for you to get started.

Insider’s View of Blog Simple Framework

As a blogger you’re about to compete against 100’s if not 1000’s of people.

Meaning each blogger is after the same goal.

Making money…

You need to stand out.

Paul believes there’s two types of blogs to help you get started and making money.

BRE and ARE…

One he calls (BRE) Blog Revenue Engine or Ad Revenue Engine. (Same course used with different a name). This is the course and blog that helps bring in the fastest results.

The other he refers to as (ARE) Authority Revenue Engine or Affiliate Revenue Engine (Same thing). This type of blog takes a bit more time, and a different strategy. The course explains that.

Both courses is included with the Blog Simple Framework bundle.

The bundle also includes:

  • Blog Simple Bootcamp
  • Blog Simple WordPress
  • Blog Simple Content Creation
  • Blog Simple Affiliate Marketing
  • Blog Simple Niche Selection
  • Blog Simple Pinterest
  • Blog Simple SEO
  • Affiliate Engine Revenue
  • Ad Engine Revenue
  • Blog Simple GeneratePress
Some Of The Courses Inside Of Blog Simple FrameWork

Apart from the main course.

You’ll receive access to a Slack community.

Useful spreadsheets, and a few bonuses exposed.

Plus, you’ll receive Paul’s personal emails. His emails are valuable in themselves.

The bottom line is, the course was developed to help you get started in the most uncomplicated way.

How Much Does Blog Simple FrameWork Cost?

The cost of Blog Simple Framework is $999.00. The cool part is you’ll be backed up by the refund policy.

Also, for a limited time.

You can also get access to the course by making 4 small payments of $299.

There is a money back guaranteed policy for each options.

This includes the core content.

  • Plus access to the Slack Community.
  • Useful spreadsheets that help you organize your ideas.
  • And lay a proper content foundation for your blog.

Keep in mind prices are always subject to change.

By the way, Paul doesn’t participate in many discounts.

Therefore, I’m not sure how long this offer will last.

So, if you’re interested in it.

I wouldn’t wait too long to get the deal.

Paul’s courses are known to go up in prices. I made this mistake when he had Billionaire Blog Club at a low entry price.

I procrastinated in purchasing the course.

You snooze you lose.

Blog Simple FrameWork also has an affiliate program. If you enjoy the course, and would like to invite others to the program, you could have the potential of earning your money back.

Is Blog Simple FrameWork Worth It?

Well, it depends on your goal.

If you want a simple and proper way to get a blog up and running without monthly fees.

The answer to that is “Yes.”

Also, if you want to be guided in the right direction.

Again, the answer is “Yes, it’s worth every penny.”

If you want an all-in-one marketing platform, where you’re course, domain names, hosting, and emails is provided in one location.

Then “No”.

Everyone has a different budget, and a different goal.

Blog Simple FrameWork doesn’t cover your hosting. You’re email addresses, nor domain names. Neither can be purchased within this course.

This is only a course.

Regardless, there’s no monthly payments to worry about.

Once you’ve purchased the bundle, you’ll have life-time access.

Things You Should Also Know About Blog Simple FrameWork

To Bundle Or Not To Bundle?

As I mentioned earlier, Blog Simple FrameWork is a bundle. Here is where you should decide.

  • If you want the whole package deal?
  • Or if you want to take an individual course?

Please be aware if you decide to take each course individually, you may risk paying more.

So, if you’re serious about making money with a blog.

The bundle may be the best choice.

Future Course Price Increases

Right now the course is offered at $999.00. In the near future, this course may increase.

I don’t control the pricing.

Therefore, I don’t know when or if the course will increase or not. For now, the course is $999.00 + tax.

For all I know the course price could be reduced too.

Additional Up-Sells

There’s an additional up-sell.

Paul has created a dashboard that helps you keep track of your blogs progress. It helps you keep track of your blogs:

  •  traffic
  • revenue
  • blogging tasks
  • blog ideas
  • and so much more.

It’s called the Blog Simple Dashboard.

This is an optional purchase, and not required. Many members have found it to be very useful.

I myself have never used it, yet.

No Additional Business Tools Included

Again, Blog Simple FrameWork, is only a course. It doesn’t provide any additional tools.

  • No hosting
  • No business email address
  • No domain names

Slack Community + Facebook Group

There’s not only a Slack community to support you. You’ll also get access to an active Facebook group.

What I Like About Blog Simple FrameWork?

Below you’ll find things that I did like about Blog Simple FrameWork

It’s Very Informative

The Blog Simple Framework, is a very informative course.

The course teaches you how to structure your blog properly with Silos.

If you want to make up to $1000 within 6 months. Ad Revenue Engine shows you how to do that.

You’ll get access to material that isn’t easily found on the internet. You’ll learn how to drive traffic to your blog even when the Big G isn’t showing you love.

Plus, you’ll be shown how to analyze your competitors, niche, and ideas.

Easy To Follow

The course is easy to understand. You’re literally shown how to choose a niche.

Paul, doesn’t just tell you how to pick a niche or give you niche ideas.

He’ll show you how to search for a profitable niche.

I found this to be very important, because this is where most bloggers get stuck.

They don’t know what to blog about. Therefore, they either never get started or they get stuck.

You’ll learn how to use spreadsheets to organize your ideas. Plus, structure your blog so that Google and Pinterest loves it.

Content Is Updated Regularly

Whenever there ‘s any changes to Google, Pinterest, or anything related to the course. Paul, notifies the Slack group.

Plus, he’ll update the course content.

So, rest assured you’re getting up to date information within this course.

By the way, the course comes with content based information. Plus, video’s training.

Life-Time Access With Future UpDates

You don’t want to pay monthly? This is the course that offers that. You’ll pay for the course. And get life-time access. This also includes any future updates.

What I Don’t Like About Blog Simple FrameWork?

Here’s what I didn’t like about Blog Simple FrameWork.

It Is Not Cheap

Blog Simple FrameWork isn’t the most expensive course, I’ve come across. It’s also not the cheapest.

Either way, I’m still highly satisfied with the material.

Ever since starting the course, I’ve learned a lot about how to improve my blog. I’ve also seen improvements with my blog design. Plus traffic.

Another thing, this course has really opened my eyes to all the potential that you can have with a blog. There’s so many ways to create a blog and make money from it.

It wasn’t until this course, that I learned each blog creation takes a different strategy.

Paul gives you details in this course.


You’ll have life-time access to the program.

But, any future course, that are added to Blog Simple Framework, you’ll need to pay for them.

Thankfully, you’ll get a 50% discount.

Since, I’ve joined the course, I haven’t seen any additional ups-sells besides the dashboard, that I mentioned earlier.

Regardless, I’ve seen several course updates. More knowledge is consistently added.

You’ll Need To Get Used To Slack

If you’ve never used Slack before. There’s a small learning curve.

Slack is basically a chat room.

It’s also what Blog Simple FrameWork uses for its members.

The challenging part is: new messages is hard to keep track of. But, it’s certainly not a deal breaker.

The best part is, there’s an app that can be downloaded to your mobile device.

A Peek Inside Blog Simple FrameWork

Is Blog Simple FrameWork A Scam?

Absolutely not! This course is legit. Run by an honest and successful entrepreneur. I’ve created a brief video just to show you in the inside the memberships area.

Blog Simple FrameWork Alternatives

If you want more than just a course. This option may not be for you.

You’ll need to invest in additional tools such as hosting, a domain name, and a business email address.

Blog Simple FrameWork teaches you how to do that with third parties. Hover Domain Registrar and SiteGround hosting is recommended within this course. Plus, G-Suite for your business email address.

If you’re looking for an all in one package deal, then Wealthy Affiliate is the only place that I know of which offers that.

The best part is, you can try them out for free. No credit card needed, and there’s no obligation.

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