True Profit Machine Review {Make $7k Every 2 Weeks Or No?}

Name: True Profit Machine or

Price: up to $21,0000.00 + Advertising package pricing + Yearly Admin Fee

Owners: Coach Matt & Orlando

Best For: People who can risk it. Plus, a retiree and busy working professional who doesn’t have time due to family, kids, or life.

SUMMARY: True Profit Machine, also known as 2019 Cash, claims to be a done for you system that pays non-techy retirees $7000.00 every two weeks.

Interesting enough, they claim that this is a Must See system.

Even if you’re a complete newbie and never made a dime online, it’s supposed to be made for you.

Welcome to the True Profit Machine Review!

Recently, I received a voicemail from an unknown male.

By the way, this unknown male calls me about making money online all the time. So, when I get calls like this, I automatically assume it’s a scam.

Receiving calls from unknown callers can also be considered spam calls.

Either way, automatically assume it’s a True Profit Machine scam.

Anyhow, the voicemail goes a little like this,

“I understand that in the past, you were motivated and trying to make some income online from home. I know there’s a lot of B.S. out there.

I’ve spent years struggling to make money online, but nothing worked.

Recently, I found a community that has helped me. This community also showed me an automated system that has completely changed my life.”

I mean this unknown guy calls me out of the blues and claims that he suddenly started making $7000.00 every couple of weeks.

Can this be true?

Anyhow, the unknown male proceeds to tell me that

“He knows this is shocking but, if you want to get all the details. Then, he has advises you to go a simple website that has been created for you or any caller called”

If you like what you see GREAT but, if you don’t…No BIG deal.”

I went to the website, and in this review you’ll learn what I discovered.

Secret Formula For True Profit Machine

Source: True Profit Machine

​Is it True Profit Machine or 2019 Cash?

​The tricky part for some people would be the two different website addresses.

I’ll explain the reasoning behind that in a moment.

On the voicemail, the unknown guy gives out the web address named

However, as I did further research, is a website created to funnel you to the original webpage named “”. Meaning they are the same entities.

Note: True Profit Machine and True Profit Cash website no longer exist. However, still exist today.

So, What Exactly Is True Profit Machine?

​True Profit Machine is supposed to be an automated done for you business model, where they’ll coach you into success.

Supposedly, they’ll help you make all the money that you ever dreamed of.

Making anywhere from $1500.00 to $15,750 cashier checks sent straight to your door.

The best part is your going to be doing absolutely nothing for it.

At least… that’s what they make it seem like.

So, in other words, instead of you putting in the work.

Matt, Orlando, and all the success coaches are supposed to help you market this system.

Who Is Matt & Orlando?

​Coach Matt and Orlando claims that they were just like you and me. Two regular people.

They were taught to attend school.

Go off to college.

They fell victim to this concept, thinking that receiving a college degree and getting a great career was the only way to the fancy life.

What they didn’t know is you don’t need a good career or some fancy paper to live the dream lifestyle.

Somewhere in between time.

Matt and Orlando decided that they wanted to breathe a little.

Meaning, they didn’t want to be attached to work.

I can only assume that Matt and Orlando wanted time and freedom.

Of course, who doesn’t?

Meet Matt And Orlando From True Proift Machine

Source: True Profit Machine

According to the two men in the image above, they’re helping people do the same.

You know, have more time and freedom.

Here’s how they’ll do it. By showing you how to make $3000 to $10000 or more weekly.

Sounds all To Familiar

Immediately, this system sounds like the high ticket commission systems Secrets to the Wealthy and Super Affiliate Mentor.

In fact, Sgt. Marc also is known as Coach Marc. He’s the same guy from the Secret to the Wealthy program.

It was shocking to also see him on the True Profit Machine webinar with Matt and Orlando.

If you haven’t heard of S.O.T.W program. Coach Marc bragged about how he’s bringing in so much money from that program.

The concerning part now is, during that TPM webinar, Coach Marc invites the viewers to the Secrets of the Wealthy program.

TPM and SWP are supposed be two different programs. If you were to get tricked into joining both programs, you’ll lose thousands of dollars.

Red flag…

  • So, what is the program truly called?
  • Is it 2019 Cash, True Profit Machine,  True Profit Cash, or Secrets to the Wealthy?
  • Another question who truly owns this program, Matt, Orlando, or Coach Marc?
  • Also if the system were legit why would they call from random numbers?

How Does This Work?

After watching all the testimonies and hours of webinars. It appears that you’ll be selling educational products to others.

  • Business Development
  • Amazon
  • Personal Development
  • Leadership, Plus Marketing

Orlando and Matt never go into detail about what their selling to you, until you have watched their many hours of webinar training.

Regardless, I thought everything was done for you? Why would you need this much training? Or any training at all? This tells me everything is not done for you.

Why Was True Profit Machine Created?

​The reason why this was created is because they know people want freedom, time, and money. They also know that everyone wants it all to come easy.

I can tell you success is never easy, there is no shortcut to it.

Either way, they know people want it easy. So, this is why they created this system.

  • You won’t have to build a website
  • You’ll never have to attend training (So they say)
  • Plus, you won’t have to contact anyone
  • The sales are closed by your success coach.
  • People are also willing to pay for short cuts. (even if it cost you thousands)

Selling the system itself, to others, is what they call e-learning.

In other words, there isn’t a product to sell.

It’s a direct sales member to member program, where you’ll invite others to the same business education program that you, yourself just joined.

It almost sounds like a pyramid scheme.

The Difference Between True Profit Machine And Affiliate Marketing

Unlike the affiliate marketing business model, where we don’t deal with payment.

The people that you invite to this program, will pay you directly.

The direct members to members business model that Matt and Orlando is introducing you to claims to help you fast track your success.

For example, Coach Matt explains in his sales video that you won’t have to learn any of the following.

  • You won’t need to learn marketing
  • Don’t need to learn to advertise.
  • You’ll never have to learn how to close sales.
  • If you don’t want to talk to people on the phone, then you’re in luck because you won’t have too.
  • You can retain most of your time.
  • They also claim that most of the team members are using only an hour a month to make this insane amount of money.

Anyhow, how this works, is you’ll join their done for you advertising packages. The advertising packages is what will drive your visitors to your done for you website.

In short, your leads are generated for you.

So you won’t have to chase anyone.

The idea is once you have generated leads, your success coach, will handle everything from there, including closing the sale.

Plus, you’ll earn 50% of the commissions, depending on what product level you purchase.

The Break Down Of How This Works

Step 1 – Lead Generation:

True Profit Machine will generate leads for you.


There’s an investment for this; you’ll need to invest in their advertising packages. Each advertising package amount varies.

Step 2 – Contact Prospects:

The best part is you won’t have to contact prospects if you don’t want too.

Your prospects will call you on your own informational hotline.

I guess, just like the unknown male who called and left me a voicemail. I can only assume that it is an information hotline.

Anyhow, your success coach will set this hotline up for you so that you don’t have to.

Step 3 – Get Paid:

After your success coach has done all the heavy lifting for you, and successfully registered a member into the program, you will be paid directly.

How Much Can You Make?

​I know you’ve been wondering how much you can make with this program. Great question!

You’ll have the potential of making.

  • Level 1 – $1,500.00 per sale
  • Level 2 – $3,500.00 per sale
  • Level 3 – $7,000.00 per sale
  • Level 4 – $10,500.00 per sale

Your payments are delivered to your front door by FedEx and received in a cashiers check.

Is True Profit Machine A Scam?

​Well, I can’t say it’s a scam.

However, from my research, it is a huge investment risk. I cannot entirely agree with this business model.

So, can you make $7000.00 every two weeks, keep reading and then you can decide for yourself.


  • ​High Commissions
  • Matt and Orlando Are Real People
  • Matt and Orlando Gives You A Good Deal Of Webinars Before You Join


  • ​The Investment Is Not For Everyone
  • ​Extremely High Risk
  • ​You May Need A Loan
  • MLM Business
  • ​Not Sure If This Will Work
  • FTC Shuts Programs Like This Down, Be Careful And Don’t Risk Money You Don’t Have

​Who Should Join True Profit Machine?

​I’ve joined a program, like this before.

So, I can understand the enticing feeling about the massive commissions. Plus someone doing all the work for you.

At the same time, that company ran by Matt Lloyd no longer exists.

It was shut down by the Federal Trade Commission.

So, since then I don’t recommend programs like this.

Of course, whatever you do is your choice.

On the other hand, I can say that you will need serious money to proceed with this program. You should never use money that you can’t afford to risk.

Support & Training For True Profit Machine

​I watched all their webinars that were available during the beginning process. They indeed remind me of the exact business model that MOBE had in place.

Anyhow, this is the training that you’ll receive:

  • Daily Success Calls
  • Private Members only Facebook Group
  • Skype Only Calls For Its Members
  • 19 + Training sessions taught by a $30,000.00 plus earner.
  • They also meet live every three or four months, according to Matt.
  • Then you should have access to your sponsor. (not confirmed though)

Either way, True Profit Machine, claims that you won’t be left alone. Therefore, you’ll always have the support that you need once you join.

During one of Matt and Orlando webinars, they claim to have a Facebook fan page.

So, I took a look.

Yes, indeed Matt and Orlando, does have a fan page. It talks about digital drop shipping 2.0.

There is an hour or so webinar on their Facebook page that you could watch for free.

It seems to be part of the program that you’re buying.

​Please Pin Me! 😀

True Profit Machine

​True Profit Machine Cash Investment

​One thing about this program is that they do not hide the high investment + yearly admin fee + the advertising fees that you’ll have to pay.

So, I applaud them for not wanting to confuse anyone before they join.

The investment levels are pretty steep for some, but whatever level you decide to join at is your cost.

As mentioned earlier, you’ll have a yearly admin fee attached to your investment.

Please note, that regardless of how you position yourself in this company, you’ll earn a 50% commission, but only when your success coach has successfully enrolled a member underneath you.

Warning: Please be aware that you can only earn commissions on the level you join at or below that level.

For example, if you join at Level 1. You will not earn commissions on level 2, 3, and 4. Even if you’re referral joins at those levels.

Either way, here is the cost.

  • Level 1​: $3,000 + $247 admin yearly fee = $3,247.00
  • Level 2: $7,000 + $447 admin yearly fee = $7,447.00
  • Level 3: $14,000 + $647 admin yearly fee = $14,647.00
  • Level 4: $21,000 + $847 admin yearly fee = #21,847.00

By the way, if you can’t hustle up the investment.

There is funding available for qualified individuals. The catch is you’ll need a 650+ credit score, and if your credit score is as low as 630, you may be able to qualify still, but you’ll need a high income.

Warning: Once again, if you don’t have the money to invest, do not proceed. Programs like this do not have your best interest in mind.

People have lost their homes, cars, and lives behind programs like this.

Either way, here’s your funding options.

  • You can pay by cash
  • Credit cards
  • 401k
  • Sell any of your stuff
  • Have a co-signer whose credit score is 650+
  • Get a conventional loan or line of credit
  • If you have a 680+ score get up to 18 months no interest.

Regardless, if they are anything like MOBE, they’ll pressure you into thinking you’re not being serious about your financial future.

All because you’re not trying your best to find ways to invest in your future.

I fell for something like this, and I also learned the hard way.

They don’t care about your success or your situation. I was pressured into having my husband cosign for me and put my house up for refinancing.

My entire home would have been lost.

Can you imagine that? Do you know many people have lost a lot from programs like this?

Yes, indeed programs, like this will pressure you into selling anything and everything.

So, proceed with extreme caution.

Additional Investment – Marketing Options

​Since the system claims to be marketed for you, these are your options.

Options A and Options B.

Internal Co-Op (option A) Claims to be 100% Passive Income.

This option is also only available to brand new members. So, existing members are not allowed to join option A.

Anyhow, all new members will share, the cost of running a marketing campaign. Orlando says you’ll need to budget about $1500.00 for this option.

So, what will your $15000.00 marketing expense get you?

You will be placed in a rotator. Plus, you’ll also receive at least one sale. They can’t guarantee how much you’ll make, but they can tell you at least that you’ll make one sale within 6-10 weeks.

There is also no tracking of your leads with Option A.

External Marketing System (Option B)

This option is available to both new and existing members.

With this option, you’ll need to invest $97.00 per month.

By the way, the $97.00 a month is from a program called Clickfunnels. After paying the $97.00 per month, you’ll receive a replicated system.

Then you’ll get an autoresponder, which will cost you $19.00 per month. Your first month is free because most likely this is offered by Aweber.

You’ll get an auto texting plan which is unlimited, and it will cost you $99.00.

With option B, you can call your own leads, and if you don’t know what to say to them, you’ll also be given a script if you decide to interact with your own referrals.

Either way, tracking, is offered and you’ll receive an email notification when action is taken from any of your potential leads.

Monthly Operating Expenses will be about $220.00 per month give or take. You’ll also need $1500.00 bucks, to generate anywhere from 100 to 150 leads.

How you spend that $1500.00 bucks to get these leads, is your choice. You can buy them monthly or every six months.

The bottom line is, True Profit Machine Claims you’ll make at least one sale with either option.

Any True Profit Machine Complaints?

​Surprisingly, I could only find two True Profits Machine complaints, and it was from people receiving calls from the system itself. However, no one complained about losing money.

True Profit Machine Alternative

​​I know what you’re thinking, how can I write an entire review over a product, and then offer you another program. It isn’t what you think. If you join True Profit Machine, great!

The truth is you could probably make more money by building a website and then market True Profit Machine on it.

I mean you would have access to 7 billion people. So, I’m not here to take away your options.

I’m here to help anyone who can’t afford or don’t want to risk joining this program. Anyhow, many people can’t even qualify for the loan funding option. So, they still will struggle with making money online.

So, for those people that are wondering what an alternative is, this is for you.

You could always check out an affiliate marketing training program, that teaches you how to build your own website from scratch and generate income from it.

I joined a while back as a starter member. It’s free for at least seven days, and you don’t need to enter credit card information. Hence, it’s no risk!

I’ve written an entire review of the program. Would you be interested in checking it out? Anyhow, you never know, you could learn a lot from the program, and it may be a good fit for you?

My Final Opinion Of True Profit Machine

​As you know, I don’t recommend this program, but what you do is your choice.

Anyhow, these types of programs are a huge risk. So, if you don’t have funds to lose, don’t proceed. I myself, wouldn’t proceed.

Above all, True Profit Machine won’t be as easy as all the testimonies and members are claiming if it were, they wouldn’t be selling training products.

Either way, as we all know you’ll either pay with your time or you’ll spend with your hard earned cash. So, it’s your choice which route you choose.

The bottom line is, yes, you could potentially earn some money from it, but it’s hard to say. As I mentioned it is a considerable risk, and if you don’t have the money to gamble, no I wouldn’t suggest you join this.

Anyhow, I would like to know what your thoughts are about this program. Have you joined True Profit Machine?

Make Money Online With Wealthy Affiliate

25 thoughts on “True Profit Machine Review {Make $7k Every 2 Weeks Or No?}”

  1. This program described above is sadly not what it is cracked up to be. I hope people don’t get sucked into it. It seems like they are trying to copy the success of the latest (legit) business that has worked out all the kinks. I joined a NEW program (founded by industry leaders, not scam artists) and am making ($500-$1500) commissions almost daily. I get FREE traffic for life (no catch), professional closers CLOSE all my sales (I haven’t ever spoken to anyone) and it is legit. I finally found something that is NOT a scam. Check it out if you want to learn more.

    • Hi Kathy,

      Thank you for leaving your feedback about True Profit Machine!

      Anyhow, I don’t recommend this program. It’s too risky.

      However, I’m glad to hear that you found a program that isn’t a scam. Plus, its members close their sales, and earn daily commissions. Sounds good!

      I’ve once been involved with a program that sounds similar to the one you’re referring to and it ended up being a scam. Not saying that will happen to you but, I’m just saying. They too closed its members sales and there was possibilities of making up to $10,500.00 in commissions but, they no longer exist today.

      They were shut down by the FTC and it destroyed many members lives.

      Either way, I will check out your program and see how it works.

      I wish you all the best and continued success. Have a great day!

      • I am responding to you, I’m not sure if Kathy will respond back. We’ll just have to wait and see.

        So, until then I will help you out with your question. Her system was called Digital Income System. I wrote a full review on this system.

        Anyhow, I did look into it briefly, when Kathy shared with me.

        So, far, I can’t say it’s a scam but, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t.

        Here are some things that you need to be aware of. Do expect to pay anywhere from $1000 up to $25,000 to get started with the program.

        The program has different training levels, the level you pay for is the level you will receive commissions for and not beyond that. Also, each level includes different trainings. So, if you keep that in mind.

        Your commissions would be anywhere from $500 up to $12,500 per person you get to join but, again, if you didn’t invest $25,000.00. Then you will not receive a $12,500.00 commission.

        Whatever level you invest in, is the level you will receive your commissions at. Therefore, if you pay the $1000.00 Entrepreneur training level, then you will only qualify for $500.00 commissions.

        I also found that Kathy was right about the system being new. It seems to have launched in the early part of 2018.

        Here is what I think. I don’t recommend programs like this, at first sight they may not seem like a scam but, the FTC may view them totally different. Meaning there are still chances of it getting shutdown.

        Just like they did MOBE and Digital Altitude, which I was a member a Gold Member of MOBE.

        Anyhow, I would sincerely suggest you read through the comments on the blog called

        There are real members from Digital Income System, complaining that they invested thousands and recruited about 600 or more people and never made a dime. Now, some are feeling as if they were scammed.

        Either way, there are more cost effective ways to start an online business. If you don’t want to risk it, I recommend this community, which teaches you how to make money online for long term stability.

        Besides, you can get your first ten lessons for free and no credit card is needed. I hope this helps…Have a awesome day ahead.

      • Hi Debbie,

        Kathy isn’t going to reply to this message because, it was a spam comment. Meaning, she was trying to redirect traffic to her affiliate offer from my site.

        Either way, I will help you out.

        The name of her system is called Digital Income System. It cost $1k to join and you’ll have a potential of earning $500.00 in commissions, f you were to make a sale.

        With Digital Income System there are several levels.

        The top level investment is $25k with the opportunity of earning $12,500 again that is if you’re able to get people to invest into the program itself.

        Keep in mind there is no free trial period.

        So, if you decide to go with Kathy’s opportunity you’ll need to make sure your 100% sure that is what you want to do.

        Digital Income System and True Profit Machine both cost the same amount. I can’t prove that neither one of the systems is a scam because, I am not affiliated with either company.

        If you’re interested in starting an online business but, rather no risk it.

        I recommend you that you create your free account here. This free training course has 50+ high quality training videos that will help you decide if an online business is for you. Again, it’s free so, there is no risk!

        Anyhow, if you decide to take your business to the next level. They do have decent commission payouts.

        Let me know if you need any further help! I’ll be glad to assist you. Have a great day…

    • Hi Tim,

      Thank you for your time. I agree with you, that is why I don’t recommend this program, neither am I affiliated with them. The best part is you got to read this review before any of your money was wasted. I believe you saved time instead.

      At least you got to read the review before you jumped into this opportunity. Now, you know what to expect from these people.

      Either way, Tim there are other ways to make money online that are more cost-effective and sustainable, this is one reason why I recommend Wealthy Affiliate which is a community of 1.4 million like-minded entrepreneurs.

      They teach even complete newbies to build long term online businesses. You can get started with them for free. No credit card needed. Your first ten lessons are included in the free membership.

      Anyhow, the thing about this community is they are more affordable than any business opportunity online. IF you would like to check them out, join here and see what you think. Let me know if there is anything else I can help you out with. Have a great day ahead.

















    • Hi and thank you for your feedback about True Profit Machine. I think your feedback will help many people avoid this company.

      I agree with you 1000% they don’t care about anyone but, themselves. They want others to join a very expensive company but, at the same time they don’t want to disclose their contact information. I think it’s wrong too.

      I did find them on Facebook at the time I wrote the review. So they are real people but, I can not confidently say that the man who is calling everyone is one of the owners. I doubt it.

      Indeed, I would consider this a program to avoid which I have disclosed that in the review.

      Another reason why I don’t recommend this company.

      Not only do they not care about people’s well-being but, they are charging outrageous fees. Fees for training that probably doesn’t even work unless you keep investing more and more money.

      I myself have invested in a program like this before and it was called MOBE. They were shut down by the FTC. I lost money and many others did too.

      Therefore, this is one of the reasons why I started this site. I do my best in helping people making more informed decisions.

      Anyhow, I’m not saying you want to start an online business but if you did. There are certainly more cost-effective ways to start one.

      By the way, the other ways are nowhere near the cost of True Profit Machine company.

      For example, I started my website for free and then upgraded to a premium membership that cost me $299.00 for the entire year. The best part is all of my tools, resources, and 24/7 live interactive support was included.

      Either way, this is why I wrote the review. I disagree with True Profit Machine entirely. Therefore, I don’t endorse them at all.

      Also, just to clear the air.

      I’m not affiliated with True Profit Machine at all. Nor do I endorse them. I also don’t agree with anyone shelling out thousands of dollars to start an online business. It’s too risky.

      I’ve done that before and never will do that again.

      Anyhow, to answer your question, I’m not sure why or how they got your number.

      They claim they get people’s numbers from other make money online sources. The reason, I know this is because, they call me everyday too. They also text me. So, they are harassing me too.

      The bottom line is, this is why I wrote the True Profit Machine review to help people understand what is going on with these types of companies.

      Furthermore, my intentions are to help others understand what they need to avoid when it comes to companies like True Profit Machine. I also believe it’s right to know what you’re getting yourself into.

      Clearly, they are making many people upset with their calls and I can understand why. So, I certainly apologize that you have to go through this with them.

      I hope you have a great rest of your day!

    • Hi Liv,

      I’m sorry to hear that you too keep getting the same annoying calls. I still get them myself. So, I understand the frustration.

      Unfortunately I have tried to search for the company address, and it seems to not be disclosed at this time.

      However, I did find several other websites that True Profit Machine operates under. One in particular is called, which is the same company as “True Profit Machine”, it’s just listed as a different URL.

      Anyhow, on Pure Profit Machine, terms and conditions page, there is an address listed as the following

      => The Complaint Assistance Unit of the Division of Consumer Services of the Department of Consumer Affairs, which can be contacted at => 1020 N. Street, #501, Sacramento, CA 95814, or by telephoned at => 1-916-445-1254.

      Well, I called the company listed above and spoke with a representative.

      The phone number 916-445-1254 is actually “Department of Consumer Affairs” located in California.

      Unfortunately, the “Department of Consumer Affairs” had no idea who and what “True Profit Machine” is.

      The advice that was given to me is that you can call => 1-888-382-1222, to place yourself on the “Do Not Call List.

      Or you can register online if you prefer at

      The ” National Do Not Call Registry” is run and operated by the Federal Trade Commission.

      The Federal Trade Commission is also the same place that you can report a scam. It’s run by the government.

      If you would like to report a scam go to

      The only downside to reporting the complaint to the FTC is they don’t investigate individual complaints.

      What they do is take the information, and file it. Once they have several complaints. And I do mean several complaints. The FTC may then investigate, which is why it is important for consumers to come forward.

      When I contacted the “Department of Consumer Affairs“, I was told that you can also contact your local Attorney General.

      I recently visited my local Attorney General website, and in the state of Texas which is where I’m located, filing a consumer complaint requires the company full address, which is something that is not disclosed. So, filing an Attorney General complaint in Texas is useless at this point.

      At any rate, I would still check your local Attorney General website, and see what your state requirements are, they could be different.

      Here is what I would suggest you do.

      1. Register with the “National Do Not Call Registry.” Again there number is 1-888-382-1222.

      2. After your telephone number has been on the “Do Not Call Registry list” for more than 31 days. You will have proof that you have took the proper steps to get your number removed. Therefore, you have the Right to Report that you have received an “Unwanted Call

      3. You’ll report that “Unwanted Call” to “Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.” By the way, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is also run by the government. From there they will proceed with the complaint.

      I hope this has helped…Have a great day ahead!

  3. About that true profit machine, I got a call earlier in the week from some guy named Russ asking if I had finished the webinars but I told I haven’t even started watching them

    • Hi Cameron,

      lol..So, Russ wanted to know if you’ve finished the webinar. A webinar that you never even started…I give it to True Profit Machine their voicemails are creative.

      Sometimes, they just make me laugh. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your feedback…

      • Yeah he called me again yesterday and asked me if I’ve gotten around to watching them and I also got an email from “Matt” saying I have 48 hours to join the program

        • Hey Cameron,

          It’s good to hear back from you.

          48 hours…sheesh…these guys are really on it. Worry none!

          I’m sure you’re probably all ready aware that you don’t need to take action on any of Russ’s or Matt’s calls or emails. And, if you’re experiencing what I experience they call almost everyday from different numbers.

          It’s just a marketing tactic to make you feel pressured. So, these people will harass you almost everyday about joining.
          By the way, you can attempt to stop these calls. I’ve written a post here that explains how to do that.

          In short, you can place your number on the National Do Not Call list…it takes 30 days before the calls will stop. This is their number 1-888-382-1222.

          And as far as them emailing you, if you no longer want to receive their emails, you can unsubscribe from it.

          All you have to do is go to one of their emails. Scroll all the way to the very bottom, and in small print. You should see the words “unsubscribe.” Click it and then hit submit. From there they MUST remove you from their email list.

          Anyhow, thanks for stopping by…Have an awesome day ahead!

  4. Oh the the first call I got from Russ was from last week he actually called and asked if I watched the webinars and then he actually called again and asked yesterday if I’ve gotten around to watching them…it seems pretty shady because he called me from a number in my area but sent me a text from a completely different number both times..both numbers were the same from last week but he used different numbers

    • Yeah, I agree it’s shady. The way he called from a number in your area is called “Call Spoofing”. Some unethical marketers or scammers use this tactic to get you to answer the call. Mirroring the number to your local area makes it hard for you to tell whose calling. So, the scammers make fake numbers to get people to answer their phone.

      If you decide to report the call to the, and I would if you want your number removed. By the way, the DNC is a site ran and monitored by the government.

      When filling out the form they may ask you for the number that Russ is calling or texting from. It’s an online form so you won’t speak to anyone.

      If I were you, I would report any number that he’s calling from or asking you to call back too. The reason for doing this is because, the FTC reports the numbers to many companies to help block future unwanted calls.

      Filing a complaint not only helps law enforcement but, it also helps the FTC (the government) go after scammers. The FTC considers call spoofing illegal. Especially when the caller is not a debt collector, health provider, charities, informational calls, or political. Problem is they can’t do anything unless we report the calls.

      This information not only helps you with True Profit Machine calls but, it’ll help with any unwanted calls too. I’m sorry you have to go through this hassle. It’s annoying I know.

  5. Hi La’Kisha, great article! It is VERY detailed and honest, without being too mean about it. Plus, kudos to you for your patience on the comments!! Sheesh! I appreciate your approach & attention to detail. Well done & thank you. =)

  6. Hi Everyone. I need to sadly tell you all that Matt and Orlando took from me 10k.’they made all the promises but in the end they are only trying to take your money.
    Don’t try this.
    This is scam. They make you sign a doc and then you won’t be able to charge back. I lost my 10k.
    Money that I didn’t have. I still paying this credit card. I don’t know where to go to but this is painful.

    • Hello Carmelo,

      I’m so sorry to hear what has happened to you. I can definitely relate. I try my best to provide reviews that help people from losing money. Don’t give up because there are programs out there that don’t cost as no where near that amount. Of course, they do require a lot of effort. Making money online takes time and there’s a lot to learn. If you feel like you were taken advantage of you can always go here.

    • I’m so sorry to hear this. It saddens me that there are companies out there that take people’s hard earned money and feel no remorse. Either way, I hope you are able to recover your money and heal in the process. Thank you so much for sharing your experience this will help many others to make a more informed decision.


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