The Truth About PayPal Money Adder Is About To Be Revealed

Hello there, and welcome to the Paypal Money Adder Review!

Have you just heard about the PayPal Money Adder opportunity?

Does it sound like an opportunity that can change you or your families life?

Recently, I was watching a YouTube video where someone was saying that their family would be forever grateful to the programmers and PayPal Money Adder.

Why? Because this simple site has supposedly added thousands to their PayPal account.

Naturally, I felt excited for the person and wanted to know what they’ve done to change their financial situation.

So, I clicked on the link that he provided, and was immediately taken to the goldmine.

I then discovered that it was a site that claims you can add free money to your PayPal account.

Say what? Yes, you heard me right they claim you can add free money to your PayPal account as early as today.

Immediately, I thought there is no way PayPal is about to give out free money.

Many people had different views about the situation. Some said it made them rich overnight! While others claimed it was fake, a scam or a hoax.

So, which one is it?

Name: Pay Money Adder

Website: various sites

Price: Free

Owners: Maybe a hacker (who knows)

Best For: No One

Summary: PayPal Money Adder is a site that claims you can get paid free money. Just by following the directions, complete two surveys and wait for the funds to be added to your account.

Is PayPal Money Adder Recommended? No. It’s a scam.

What Is PayPal Money Adder?

Based on the brief description of PayPal Money Adder website, it’s not a hack but a gift to you that is distributed from some unknown site owner.

The maximum amount that you can get paid to your account is $800.00.

It’s also advised not to request more money than you need.

My initial thought was if this were free money falling out of thin air, why would anyone want just to request $800.00?

Either way, they encourage you to sign up fast because, according to the short introduction, they may run out of money for the day.

In this case, you may have to try again the next day, which in my opinion would be a complete waste of time.

What Is PayPal Money Adder?

How Does PayPal Money Adder Work?

According to their website, the way this works is, you simply choose how much you want to earn. So, you’ll see three options.

Of course, I choose the third option; why not? Is it free money, right?

  • $250.00
  • $500.00
  • $800.00

If you pay close attention, you’ll notice that the site owner has displayed an enticing screenshot of the number of active users, the recent transactions and if they have funds available.

By the way, this so-called free money opportunity is available for all countries.

Anyway, after you’ve selected the amount of money that you want transferred to your PayPal account, you’ll then need to complete two quick surveys and prove that you’re human.

Once all of that is confirmed.

Your money is supposed to be sent to your PayPal account as a gift.

So, no need to worry about your account being shut down.

Above all, is this a scam or legit?

Is PayPal Money Adder A Scam?

Yes, yes, and absolutely yes. I have many reasons to believe that it’s a scam, and I’ll cover them here shortly. But, before, I do, let me ask you. Did you know that PayPal receives over 15,000 phishing reports per day? For further information, read their article were PayPal, warns consumers not to let cyber criminals reel you in.

PayPal isn’t a small business. They are a big business. Therefore, they are constantly trying to protect people from scams.

If you’ve entered your PayPal account information into this website, and feel like your PayPal account has been compromised do not hesitate to contact PayPal.

Their contact information is readily available on the internet but, for easier access, I will provide it to you.

You can contact PayPal in several ways.

  • One way is to call them, They are available 24/7 @ 1-888-221-1161.
  • You can also email them at

PayPal Money Adder Scam Exposed

I tried the program out with fake information.

I repeat I did not put my real PayPal information in because I have two PayPal accounts, and both are accounts that I use quite heavily.

Therefore, I did not want to risk losing my PayPal account. I also don’t advise you to risk it either. It’s best that you learn to recognize fraudulent emails and websites. Below are the reasons why I believe this program is a scam.

Complete Two Surveys, It Didn’t Work

As I was going through the instructions, I completed the two offers as they claim you needed to complete.

Both offers kept redirecting me to more surveys.

It seemed like it would never end. Plus, after being redirected to the additional offers. I had to re-enter all my information in again, which is absolutely frustrating.

By the way, the offers that were presented on many of the surveys were by a company named A site that I’ve seen before while reviewing other make online money programs.

Such as Clout PayPaid 4 CloutKashTree, and many others, and they were all scams. Complaints

I researched briefly about and discovered that many people have complained about being scammed by this site.

Is a scam? I’ll let you be the judge of that.

PayPal Money Adder Uses OnlinePromotionsUsa A Site Many People Have Complained About

Source: Wot

Wanna Make Real Money?

Many Websites

Either way, I came across so many websites promoting this free PayPal money adder that it was almost disappointing to even go through them all.

The most disturbing part is, these clever scammers have many people believing that the site is legit. I, on the other hand, have to disagree.

No Real Payment Proof

When you receive money in your PayPal account, you’ll actually get an email from PayPal saying you received money.

Plus, they’ll send you a screenshot of the person or company that has sent the money to you.

PayPal Money Adder Does Not Show Real Payment Proof

I haven’t seen any of the people who claimed to have received money from this program show real payment proof.

They have only shown screenshots of a PayPal balance that held several thousand in it.

They Require You To Download Software

It’s a risk downloading software from a website that has no dealings with PayPal or a legit company.

The downloaded software can be a way to hack into your computer.

It can also be used as spyware or adware.

Some advertisers use these methods, to find out what your browsing habits are so that they can advertise to you in the future.

Either way, you don’t want to put your personal information at risk.

Nor, do you want to damage your computer.

Plus, when entering your email address, home address, phone number, and password, you can almost guarantee that your email inbox will be flooded with spam, promotions, or anything else.

You’re just exposing too much when filling out a form from a company that doesn’t have too much information to offer you.

No Such Thing As Free Money

Okay, so, I’m in awe of how many people still believe that money can in this amount can come free. It simply isn’t true. Making money online is possible. However, it will always take some work on your part to make it happen.

Regardless of what legit opportunity you come across, you’ll always need to add effort to it.

Share Your Link (But, Not Really)

After I entered all of my information into the form, it said to share my link five times and let the world know” My life has changed and you can get $2543 try this, and you won’t regret it. (then referral link)

Firstly, I never made a dime with PayPal Money Adder. So, obviously, that’s a lie. This would also explain why you have so many people claiming to have had their lives financially changed. It’s part of the instructions to get your free money.

Secondly, as mentioned earlier, is a site that I’ve come across numerous times, within their web address, it appears to be an affiliate link. So, whoever is sharing this scam is actually not going to earn money themselves. It seems like the site owner will make money instead.

Lastly, I’ve entered into these free WalMart $100 gift cards before, and the only thing that happens is, you’ll get harassed by people calling your phone asking if you want to proceed with the gift card that you’ve just won.

Bottom line is it’s a scam.

PayPal Money Adder Did Not Pay Me


  • ​Nothing


  • It’s a scam

PayPal Money Adder Reviews & Complaints?

As I mentioned earlier, many people have different opinions.

What I’ve discovered is, either most people lack the knowledge of how to make legitimate money online, or they’ve fallen for this scam.

Either way, it’s not your fault. So don’t feel bad.

You’ll find that when most people are scammed in the past or present by programs, they won’t come forward.

While the other people who are participating in the scam will, which would explain why we have so many people claiming that they have been financially changed.

Regardless, they’ll swear up and down that they’ve received tons of free money into their PayPal account so, you should try it.

I, on the other hand, would advise against it. It’s all fake and most definitely a scam.

The Biggest Pay Money Adder Concern

When entering your PayPal credentials, you’re risking your entire account, personal information, and so on.

For example, if you have a PayPal credit card, PayPal credit account, or bank account attached to your PayPal account. Then you’ll be at the highest risk.

The situation could get out of hand. It could also get to the point where you may regret trying to get free money.

Their is no such thing of receiving free money from PayPal with a PayPal Money Adder.

Yes, indeed you can earn legit money with other companies that pay to your PayPal, but, this is certainly isn’t the way.

PayPal Money Adder 250, 500, 800 It Is A Scam

My Final Opinion Of PayPal Money Adder

Without a doubt, the PayPal Money Adder is a scam.

Typically, with free to join, I would say there is no risk. In this case, you do have risks involved. Therefore, I wouldn’t attempt to take that risk.

No telling what capabilities this program has.

It could hack your personal accounts, ruin your PayPal account, release confidential information about you, share computer documents, or maybe even destroy your computer.

If you want to make money with PayPal, then I would suggest that you look into legit ways.

Such as:

These are all legit ways to earn money with PayPal.

However, they will not allow you to earn $250, $500, or even $800 in one swoop.

The truth is, to earn a decent living online, you’ll need to learn specific skills.

Such as affiliate marketing, starting a YouTube channel, building websites, email list, or becoming a freelancer.

Any of those are legitimate ways but, if you want to make serious money for long term success, then I recommend a program called Wealthy Affiliate.

Their you’ll get the training, tools, and resources you need to learn how to make a living from the internet.

Above all, as you’ve probably already arrived at a conclusion, I don’t recommend proceeding with PayPal Money Adder because it’s a scam.

If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to express away within the comments area below. Thank you for reading the PayPal Money Adder reviews…

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5 thoughts on “The Truth About PayPal Money Adder Is About To Be Revealed”

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    • Are you in the right place, Kenneth? This article has nothing to do with bitcoin. Keep in mind that it’s not even legit. Anyhow, thanks for explaining your program. It seems pretty simple the way you explain things Kenneth. However, I’m pretty skeptical about programs that seem to work pretty easy, and almost overnight. I’ve tried bitcoin in the past and when that company was shutdown I never looked back. Either way, I’m glad for your success.

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    • Parikh, I have looked up this tool that you mention (kloviactools,net tool) and unfornately I found no such thing. What I did find was a website called Klovia which certainly isn’t a site that pays out $30k. In fact, it was a site for Bride’s Maids. Maybe you have gotten the name of the tool confused with something else. Anyhow, thank you for stopping by and sharing your joy. I wish you continued success.

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