My Traffic Business Review | 5 Red Flags

Name: My Traffic Business


Price: $47.00 one time fee

Owners: James Wendell

Best For: Not recommended

SUMMARY: My Traffic Business is a sales funnel to a membership site that claims to help you earn $500 a day with email marketing.

Welcome to My Traffic Business Review!

Based on the new activity, you may have been selected for this opportunity?

Well, at least that’s what My Traffic Business tried to tell me through an email.

So, are you wondering if this is a scam, or worth your time? I know it’s hard to decide.

Today, in this review, I will go over what the system offers, and then you can decide if it’s for you.

By the way, there’s additional names that this company goes by:

  • My Traffic Biz
  • My Traffic Biz v2.0
  • Wake Up To Cash Now
  • And probably many more.

Your Wanted For My Traffic Business Email Senders Opportunity

​What Is My Traffic Business?

By looking at the landing page, you’ll be led to believe that the information contained within the sales video, could help you make $500.00 per day. All you have to do is complete simple tasks. Such as sending out emails.

I’ve reviewed many sites like this before; such as Instant Email Biz and 5-Minute Profits, They all said the same thing.

But, that’s not the point. So, with this system, you’re supposed to be merely minutes away from getting a turn-key money-making program.

By the way, the creator of this site goes by the name James Wendell. I’m not sure if that is his real name. Anyhow, James claims all you have to do is take about 1 hour to set up this system and work approximately 30 minutes per day.

Either way, James is bold enough to guarantee that you will make at least $10,000 within your first 30 days. Why? Because, he went from being fired by a post it note, to making hundreds of thousands of dollars of month.

So, now worrying about money is never an issue to him.

Anyhow, I hear this same story over and over again by just reviewing “make money online” programs. Usually, these programs use the emotion grabbing tactics, hyped income claims, and it’s all done for you type deal- which usually ends up being garbage.

I’m not saying that you couldn’t join a problem and potentially make #10k within 30 days – heck anything’s possible but, the likeliness for most people, it just won’t happen that way.

Anyways, have you ever thought about, trying out other methods, that don’t make you all these promises? Instead they show you away that actually works if you allow yourself time, and patience to learn how to work it.

Worry none; I had to do a little digging to find the information for you because, the sales video does nothing but throw money in your face, and simplicity tactics so that you join thinking that it will all be easy.

Therefore, they claim that you can stop wasting time and finally build that responsive list that you have been desiring.

After joining My Traffic Business program, you are placed in a sales funnel that could lead to additional up-sells. So, at first it would seem like your purchasing an e-book and then from there, you’ll be offered other products.

Thank You For The My Traffic Business Purchase It's An E-Book

How Does My Traffic Business Work?

​As you know, the sales video encourages you to join right away because they only have 100 positions left but, at the same time, they never disclose what the program is about. However, they do stress that making money will be fast and easy.

Anyhow, at first, when you hear the name, my first thought was, oh, they will teach about traffic in this program. That isn’t the case, and it’s far from it.

When you go to the check out page, you’re encouraged to not only pay the $47.00 but, to also sign up for the VIP email support. If you arrived at the same landing page, that I reviewed, you wouldn’t have a clue what the $47.00 is for but, after doing a little digging, I discovered that the product is an e-book.

Well, that certainly threw me off.

The e-book is called “List Building Excellence” It claims to teach you the fastest way to make money online. Therefore, they claim you can make money in any niche, with your own products, or from promoting high ticket products. It doesn’t matter.

Will You Make Money With It?

​The only reason you may be able to make money with this program is that there will be people online that have no clue how making money online works.

Plus, when those people see that this is a simple done for you, fast cash machine, they will want to join. So, in short, yes, you could make money with it. I can’t say it will last. Get-rich-quick systems never build you a sustainable income.

Why would you want to invite people into a program that won’t give them long term success? I certainly wouldn’t.

Anyhow, I want to warn you about sites like this, although they have a 30-day icon saying you could get your money back. There’s no guarantee that you will get a refund. So think about this before you decide to join.

Is My Traffic Business A Scam?

​I won’t call this a scam, but it certainly seems borderline… and I have plenty of reasons why.

For one, I received this offer through an email from another product that was also borderline scammy. So, it appears that the owner and its affiliates are mainly promoting this offer through emails.

Second, there are too many red flags, and I will point them all out here shortly.

Thirdly, I wouldn’t feel comfortable placing all my information into a product that you have limited information on it. Plus, there is no contact number on some of the landing pages that are being promoted.

So, if something goes wrong, you would have to know how to get in touch with the support team.

Worry none, I have the contact information and I will provide soon.

5 Red Flags

#1. Testimonies Aren’t From Real Users

I don’t understand why, if the system works so well, the owner doesn’t use real members who have profited from the system. Anyhow, the testimonies aren’t real they came from paid actors from a site called Fiverr.

Furthermore, two of the testimonies that were given are from paid actors. The first guy claims that James system can work for anyone. He is also the same guy on my Home Income Millionaire review.

The second guy claims that he is a little embarrassed to admit that he and his wife were on the verge of bankruptcy. Bill collectors were harassing him and her at home and work.

Therefore, they desperately started looking for ways to make money, and My Traffic Business supposedly put them both at ease.

Anyhow, this is another paid actor, who also was featured on the same review. The point is that neither of these paid actors has actually used or made money with this program.

My Traffic Business Guy Claims He Claims This Is For AnyoneMy Traffic Business Guy Claims He Was Facing Bankruptcy

#2. No Support Number

The landing page that I initially reviewed didn’t have a support number.

As I was reviewing the product, I came across many people searching for the contact information. The good news is My Traffic Business does have a support number. I called it, and someone will answer the phone.

However, I still would tread lightly with this program.

Anyhow, the number is 971-239-1611, if no one answers you’re encouraged to leave a message and someone is supposed to get back to you as soon as they can.

#3. Refund Within 30 Days

As mentioned earlier, just because a company says they offer a money-back guarantee. It doesn’t mean they actually abide by those rules. Some companies make it quite challenging to get your money back.

Anyhow, according to My Traffic Business, the worst move you can make is to dispute any charges with your bank because it hurts their business. Therefore, they claim the fastest way to get a refund or any support is to send an email to

Either way, if you have tried to contact support for a refund by email within 30 days of purchase, with no luck. Then I would suggest you dispute the charge with your bank.

#4. Hyped Income Claims

During the entire sales video, you learn nothing about what you’re joining. All you hear is how everyone made all this money for practically doing nothing. Building an email list with responsive leads can earn you a substantial income; however, it takes time and lots of learning.

#5. They Claim It Will Be Easy

The entire program claims you will make money and it’s supposed to be easy. My Traffic Business won’t be as easy as you think. I also thought this when I first started out, and it’s far from the truth.

Is My Traffic Business Legit?

So, you’re still wondering if my traffic business is a scam. I’ve seem many people call it the my traffic business scam, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true.

Essentially, what is trying to teach you is affiliate marketing using an email list. Almost like MyLead Gen Secret.

So, the only way to narrow this down further and to see if my program is legit or not, let’s just take what the Federal Trade Commission definition has to say about – what they consider a scam.

According to the FTC claims of false earnings is a red flag, and from my personal experience mytraffic biz did offer me money quickly, and their testimonials are not from real members. They said it could work in a short period of time.

Furthermore, it is suggested by the Federal Trade Commission – that business owners give prospective buyers specific information to help them evaluate a business opportunity.

My Traffic Business Better Business Bureau

Well we certainly can’t evaluate the opportunity by the bare landing page. So, instead our only option is try the BBB, but, I’m not sure if they can be trusted fully.

Either way, you might be able to base your decision off the real customers that decided to checkout mytraffic biz. If you visited the BBB, I’m sure you were able to find my traffic business reviews and complaints.

Plus, there have been real users leave their experience below, which by the way, we all are grateful to know the truth. So, thank you for sharing your experience so, that we can help others avoid these money making funnels, that just lead you into rabbit holes.


  • ​My Traffic Business Does Have A Support Number
  • They Claim A 30-Day Refund Is Possible (please read the comments below)


  • ​Unknown Up-Sells
  • ​Testimonies Are Fake
  • ​Hyped Income Claims
  • ​It Won’t Be Easy As They Say

​Up-sells And Down-sells

The initial cost of the e-book is $47.00. Plus if you choose to purchase the VIP Priority Support, it’s cost you an additional $9.95.

If you decide to decline that, then you will be offered a 50% discount which brings your investment to $23.50. Once inside the sales funnel, you may receive additional unknown up-sells,

Can You Make 500 Per Day

​My Final Opinion Of My Traffic Business

My Traffic Business does offer you some training by an e-book. However, that is a tactic to get you to join the program so that you feel comfortable with them.

After they have earned your trust and you’ll start to believe that that is teaching you how to make money online, and suddenly you will discover that they the program owners and its affiliates are trying to become rich off of you. What you do is your choice but, I don’t recommend this program.

The bottom line is, in the end, you may not learn anything that will teach you how to make good money online, and this is why I recommend a legit proven training Wealthy Affiliate, that will teach you how to make money so that you don’t have to try out all these get-rich schemes.

16 thoughts on “My Traffic Business Review | 5 Red Flags”

    • Ms. Mattie, I apologize that you paid and received nothing in return. I would be upset as well if that happened to me. Unfortunately, you have reached the wrong destination. I am not associated with My Traffic Biz. I only reviewed them to let you all know what to expect from them. I have noticed that getting a refund from this company seems to be one of the many task to complete. According to their BBB page, some customers are getting refunds, while others are still waiting. Have you contacted My Traffic Biz customer support line?

      If not please go ahead and contact them at one of the following contacts. You can call customer support at 971-239-1611 and we can only hope someone answers and responds to your request. Or you can contact them via email at I recommend doing both, call and email, that way there is no excuse that they did not hear from you. I hope this helps.

  1. I Want My Refund Now !! Please give My Money Back I’m Overdrawn At My Bank And Now Have An Overdraft Charge Will You Pay That $35 Dollar Fee Also Please,?!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH….

    • Hey Wendy,

      Sorry to hear about the overdraft fees. Have you contacted My Traffic Biz?

      The last number that I found for them was 971-239-1611. If you need help or have any questions regarding this company, especially when it comes to refunds you’ll have to contact them. I am not associated with My Traffic Biz.

      Send them an email at or call them. Don’t forget to check your spam folders. I hope this issue gets resolved. Good luck!

  2. Thank you so much for this review! You have validated my suspicions! After years of using the internet to help clients make better profits online and other sales mediums, I saw this company advertised and thought I’d check it out to see what they’re doing to supposedly get better results. I made a minimal purchase to get started and soon ran into a problem and could not finish a particular technical step as the necessary access was not available. Upon contacting the service provider, I was informed the application version My Traffic Business had provided did not include necessary access. When I called a Luke Darling, who had left his number as my company contact and asked how to resolve this issue, instead of helping me, “Luke” (if that’s even his real name) proceeded to talk down to me, was very abrupt and demanded to know who gave me permission to complete the training modules. I asked to speak with someone else, which after arguing with me for several minutes, finally transferred me. Unfortunately, this person treated me the same way. The individuals at this company are very arrogant. They were threatened with my statements about the experience I have in the digital marketing industry, indicating to me they were obviously used to taking advantage of people with very little experience with internet sales. One the final comments made to me was, “Well you can ask for a refund if you want to.” I asked this person’s age, which he stated as somewhere in his thirties, so maybe this rudeness is either due to the generation gap (I’m in my 50s) or maybe this person has had so little customer service experience that he literally has no idea how to deal with angry, frustrated customers. And by the way, the real reason they keep their “student” population low is because if more experienced participants got wind of this scam, the company would go bust from all the bad publicity!

    • Thank you for sharing your experience with My Traffic Business. I’m sorry they treated you like tehy did. That is way out of line and very unprofessional. I have to agree with you. You’re right the reason why the student ratio is due to veteran marketers joining all ready know how the game goes. It’s usually the unexperienced that does not know how things work. So big gurus take advantage of that and that is how beginners end up losing a lot of money. Either way, I’m glad you discovered at least one company that you should not deal with. Now you can warn your friends and family if they ever thought about joining companies like this. Whatever happens don’t let companies like this stop you from venturing off into the online world. There are many legit companies out there. I wish you the best of luck and continued success. Have a great day…

  3. I wish to CANCEL this. There are too many different amounts to purchase this. I purchased for $23. Then I saw $47 and $97.

    Cancel this please.
    Veronica Dixon

    • Veronica,

      I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble canceling your program. Unfortunately, you are contacting the wrong person. I am not associated with this company. I am just a person who wrote a review. If you wish to cancel your account or receive any type of refund or response, please reach out to Traffic Business themselves. The contact information that I have found online for them is or call 971-239-1611. If all else fails

        contact the BBB

      maybe they can help out.

    • If you only knew the extent of what this my traffic business does and just how much money they try to get from people and the scheme and skit they have come up with when talking to you on the phone blows my mind because I can’t believe that someone sat down and came up with a strategy like they have so they can steal money from people. I spent over 3 hours on the phone with a company who claimed to be my traffic business and have 4 different people saying they are my startup specialist but each of them says they don’t knkw the other and that I haven’t spoke. To anyone at there company and whoever I am talking to who is claiming to be then is lying and I should stop talking to them. Well my traffic business is a program a program marketing companies use to try to get business. They try to.convince you that you can’t set this up.on your own, you need them if you only knew the sneaky way they have come up with to find out how much money you have so they can then tell you at the end that you have to pay them the exact amount you have and this was in the thousands for me. I was playing the. The entire time though just wa ting to hear there bullshit scam. So they thought they eating out of their hands but it was the other way around. They wanted remote access to my iPad pro to show me the programing I would be using but that was a lie because I was told tongonto nerdwallet and create an account so they could show me how I would be getting paid. I was like wait what you should really make sure the person your speaking to doesn’t knkw what nerdwallet is first because I have an account I use all the time since I am on top of my credit score and accounts. He tells me he just wants to brush me up on it then yeah dude cause I’m so freaking stupid. But I acted like I believe him knowing his goal was to see my credit score since my credit score and finances is all he was talking about. I played stupid and scrolled real fast past my score so he couldn’t see it . He said scroll down so I scrolled all the way down a d of course it was wait go back up alittle more so I’m like how is that? Oh that’s good yeah asshole you see what you wa t to see. Then he wants me to click on accounts so he could see what credit cards I have and what my limit is and I knew that cause that’s the only damn reason I would click the link he requested but he must of thought I was stupid even after I said I’m very familiar with nerwallet should have said nerdwallet doesn’t pay you anything so stop lying please. So he got to see my cards and my credit score which didn’t bother me. I played stupid and told him I must have forgotten my password so I reset it to a strong password created by Apple good luck trying to log in dumb ass. So then he starts asking about my credit cards and what my limits are and that I should always use the banks money when starting a business rather then use my own money and pay back the bank little by little. This is what any smart business person would do. Use the banks money huh? It’s not the banks money it’s my money. I have to pay it back with interest and the amount of money they wanted from me, I would have had to max out all of my cards other then 200 bucks and I have alot of credit cards. Then he starts talking about not mixing business and pleasure a d I sure have credit cards for business only and vice versa. I agreed with him and he was so happy then asked me to go to another website and spelled out slowly Amex as though I didn’t figure out where we were going after am. When I get there he tells me romclick apply now. I told him sorry that’s just not gonna happen I am not applying for American express indont want it indont like it and I have said I would never get one and I’m not going tonchange that cause my chump trying to scam me asked me to. Now I forgot to mention that in the beginning of the call they tell you that they don’t work with everyone and you have to fit what they are looking for to become a “student” so the guy is pretty much telling you to sell yourself to him. Right they request that you work hard selling yourself to them so they can rip you off. I don’t sell myself to anyone unless it’s something I am very interested in. I don’t think my husband was aware of exactly what I was doing so he was trying to sell me to the guy and I started getting mad because he doesn’t need to know how hard of a worker I am he does t need to know anything that will advance his little pitch. Of course the specialist told me that I fit what they were looking for but he did have to fight for me to his boss. R1eally you had yo fight for me so now ur telling me I need to sell myself even harder to your boss cause he isn’t convinced yet haha. He wanted to knkw how much credit I had and what my balances were what cards I had and the limit on each so I entertained him and then it was OK now pick out cards you will only use for business and whe I get back we are going to do a Manuel check to update your balance and I told him I had no damn balance on any of my cards they are all paid in full but of course they want to act like they need to make sure before they let you talk to the big guy and ask for your credit card number and the 800 number so they can check to see your limit on each card. Meanwhile my husband is next to me locking all my card on my phone just in case. I played the game to see how far they would go. At the end he says he doesn’t knkw how much it will cost then yells me his boss just gave him a number which matches perfectly with my available credit what do you know. Then he tells me at the end of the call am I willing to use these cards to give them that amount. That got me thinking wait a minute you to apply for an American express because you wanted me to separate business from. Pleasure now if I was approve for the America. Express I wouldn’t have been able to use that at the end of the call since you have to wait for the account to be open a d reie e the card I the mail so why did he to apply. Because he was remotely connected and would see all the personal info I was entering yeah right. This was one reason I wouldn’t have done so regardless when he asked me to. This means they wanted my personal info after they saw my credit score. Scum bags. What they don’t know is that my credit report is locked unless I unlock it and no company will send or approve anything with my ss# if it does t match alloc my info including my address. Even so after giving my credit card numbers I proceeded to order new cards and cancel the ones they had the numbers for cause I’m not an idiot and it was no big deal since I barely use my credit cards and only have them for good utilization. Finally 2 hours later I talk to the big guy. He starts asking the same damn questions wanting me to sell myself and tell him why they should take me on as a student. He keeps telling me he is going to tell .e the business plan and lay everything out now 2 hours in I still have no idea what the hell this business is or what my business is only that it will cost me thousands. They determined I was a good fit for dropshipping when they never asked me what I like to do. I tried tortellini them not to try to pressure me and I’m a straight to the point no bulldhit and trying to sweet talk me kind of person I don’t fall for stupid shit like that. They also ask questions about my husband and try to make you feel like you shouldn’t need his approval to do this which I didn’t but that didn’t matter cause in reality they had a much better chance at getting money from him then they ever had with me. I was told I would have 2 hours with the big shot and he would answer all my questions and since I have a 4 month old and a 15 month old to take care of myself since my husband has covid they also said incould take care of whatever if I needed to but when I did that they didn’t like it and 30 mins in he said he needed me to focus with no more distractions cause we only had 30 mins left and still no idea what this business plan is. When we finally get to that they make it seem like all the money I am paying them is going toward this amazing deal where there will design my web page and all I would do is pick a log and templates and name like that was some big thing they were throwing in cheap and telling me inwould need to know code and blah blah to do it myself. What they don’t know is I have bee in the process of building a business and I already have a Domain ingot very cheap and they threw it the web design.for free same web design they acted like was worth thousands. They tell me they will create. Y marketing strategy and drive traffic to my store but couldn’t tell me how because the excuse is they ha e 15 different strategies and need to buy my profile first. Answer for everything. Best of all the would make my store be added to the top tem on Google. And as a student I have access to their learning library. All for the low low price of you don’t even want to know but their low low price would have put me in some serious debt especially when you add the monthly interest rate on 10 maxed out credit cards and how much I would have to pay monthly for all those cards. But hey they think they had a fool and I was sold cause a smart business person always uses the banks money and you should only use your credit for business purposes. Right sure whatever. You should have heard how pissed he was when I said I need to talk it over with my husband wow. Since I said incould make the decision myself he wS mad and said he now has tonrepeat everything to my husband so I clarified that I wouldn’t be talking to my husband about the business plan or asking his permission inwant to talk to my husband so i could brainstorm and make the right decision. He was willing tongive me 15 mins. That’s funny any wise business persons knows he not smart to make impulsive decisions or feel pressured to make one without even researching the company before you give them so much money you would become homeless I they ripped you off. I pretended that I was going tontalkntonmy husband and let the dumb ass sit on hold for a while until inwas satisfied with how long he sat on hold then I hung up on him and never had any attention to come backntonthe call. When a company doesn’t want to let you do research there is a huge red flag, when they pressure you, red flag, go about getting your info in a very sneaky way , red flag, beat Round the bush and act like you need to get them to want you when in reality you are mo damn student you are their boss and they work for you red flag. A real company would make a pitch to get your business and be straight up and give you time tonthink about it. It took me 5 mins of researching elevated marketing solutions to determine its a scam. If your going to claim.your the best in the business you should have the data online to back it up and shouldn’t offer a service that they haven’t used on there own business. There website is sub par and that’s a complement the Facebook has 5 reviews you can tell are fake and of course the only 2 recent both point out the word scam one says she was a victim of scam but took a risk and is so glad and the other tells you not to listen to negative reviews and talks about companies she knows are scam but not this one. Now why do they both need to focus attention around not a scam? Because they are a scam. Over the phone they say they are from Washington, there website says Indianapolis and the reviews leave numbers from north Carolina and they leave numbers for theirs specialists whatsapp number? What top notch company gives employees free whatspp voip lines rather then real phones? Red flags everywhere. They think they have a good little way of getting people’s info but they need to get their shit together with their website cause they spent 3 hours on the phone trying to sell me an it took 5 mins discredit them. Now they acted like I needed them to want me yet after I hung up on him he called back over and over till I blocked him. So much for that entire pitch and strategy. I wonder what they were thinking when they thought they were getting all that money from me to provide me service incould hire people on fiver to do and actually follow through for under 1000. Also they wanted thousands from me but their reviewers oy spent 1k. I was told 6 week before I would even begin making money an the reviews claim they made over 13k an the other was 26kwithin the first 7 days hmm interesting. This company is a mess and needs to get there crap together before trying to pull off a scam like this. If there amazing library I would have access to is anything like the Facebook videos okg I pray tomgod that nobody falls for the scam. I really need someone who has a voice on the internet to get this out there and warn people not tontrust them or any other company who calls claimingnto be my traffic business or clicking the wealth. They are all trying to pull off the same scam and all are connected to my traffic business scam. If I didn’t mention it there and 4 different specialist calling me saying they are my traffic business and need to talk to me help me get the business I paid for going. Yeah sure. I am half tempted to do the same thing with all of them and see if they all have the same kind of lines to get your info. One guy Mr Paul west is a real dick. We had an appointment and I told him my husband has covid and I have both babies with no help and can’t focus my attention a call with 2 babies who need me. Rather then be understand he tried to push me to take the phone call right now and didn’t care about my situation. I went off on him and he bowed down and apologized cause he needs me. I wanted to tell him to take his bullshit apology and shove it cause if you were sorry you wouldn’t have acted like you didn’t give a shit that my husband has covid and I don’t want him around the kids therfore I can’t talk to you and focus on the conversation. He could care less just wanted to get it done. I think I will talk to all these folks and let them think they got me. I love it when people think I am some stupid nieve gullible person because in the end they learn just how wrong they were and that I can play them alot better then they think they can play me. I wonder how much money Paul will ask me for. Sorry I’m going on and on I just need people to read this and post it everywhere because this slimballs really need to be taken down. Indont knkw how they sleep at night knowing they are stealing from other people rather then actual making an honest living. It makes me sick and I never want anyone to get scamed by these scum bags. I am a thinker and I question everything, I trust no one I’m not close to and I always do my research. I have the number of the first guy I spoke with from elevated marketing solutions and Monday I am calling him to ask what the reason was that he wanted me to apply for that credit card then when he tries to come up with bullshit I’m gonna let him know that I knew what they were doing and that they will be put on blast before they steal from some people who have set aside their life savings to start a company only to be scared by people like this and be left with nothing. It’s such a scum bag move and people like this deserve to suffer

      • Hi Noel, First I would like to applaud you for doing all of your research and not letting people like this get the best of you. Many people get sucked into unethical business practices and lose thousands of dollars. So, I’m happy to hear that you were smarter than the crooks. Everyone can’t say the same, myself included. So, GREAT job for staying on top of things. With that being said, I really appreciate that you have shared your story. I know for a fact that this will help so many people out. Unfornately, our government or the feds never look into things like this until after the fact. So, it seems to take a while before they step in. I say that because, I’ve been researching many money making opportunities for a while. Companies get shut down and re-open under a different name. I’ve noticed that it takes many people to end up losing money (a lot of it), or even their homes (because, the business is asking the student to pay a huge entrance fee), and sometimes people have lost their lives (due to the outcome of financial burden). It’s sad but true. It’s another reason why I encourage readers that if you feel like you have been scammed, please report it to the FTC. The FTC will not respond but, trust me they are working in the background. A few years back, I was a victim of a scam. I couldn’t get my money back. I had no one to contact so I started this blog. Eventually, I learned that we as consumers can report companies that we feel scammed us, which I did. After reporting the situation to the FTC, I never heard back from them. I thought it was a lost cause. But, it wasn’t! Three years later, yes three years later. I get a surprise email saying that the FTC is sending me a portion of my money via PayPal. Did I get all my money back? No not even close to it but, I am thankful to know that the FTC does really investigate these type of situations. So, please consider reporting it to the FTC as well. Either way, I’m sorry you had to even experience something like this and thank you once again for sharing your story. I will help a lot of people out. I know its stressful but, hang in there. Take care of yourself, keep the babies safe, and I hope that your husband has a speedy recovery.

  4. I want to cancel my program. Too little training or poor quality and me to purchase products. Too many costs involved. I’m taking this to Better Business Bureau if not resolved.

    • Joy,

      I’m sorry to hear that you are having problems cancelling your program. Have you contacted the Traffic Biz company? I am not associated this company. Either way, I encourage you to take it to this issue to the better business bureau if your issue is not resolved.

    • OMG!! Sorry to hear that Michael… I’m happy that you shared your experience here, it really helps others know the truth behind some of the MMO programs. I’ve been scammed and taken advantage of when going through these make money online programs. You’ve gotta be careful…


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