List Leverage Review: Is It Really That Easy Or Am I Being Scammed?

Welcome to the List Leverage Review!

Recently, you may have seen this program promoted all over social media.

They say you can turn one lead into thousands. The best part is others will do it for you. Very exciting times indeed.

It’s sounds like the system is, stupid simple to set up.

Generating leads all on autopilot, and making huge commissions from it. Is it really that easy?

List Leverage Review Is It Really That Easy

In this review you’ll learn all the above, keep reading on.

Summary Of List Leverage Review


Price: $49 per month or $398 per year + Traffic Package Cost

Owners: Matthew Neer

Best For: It’s for people who have a decent budget to invest.

Summary: List Leverage is a new email marketing system, that provides marketing training, and helps you build an email list.

Do I recommend it? No not at this time, and I’ll explain why.


What Is List Leverage?

It’s really challenging explaining what List Leverage is. If I were to make this as simple as possible. 

I would say it’s a software solution created by Matthew Neer. This software is supposed to help you and many others build a huge list of leads.

Not only that, other products are offered along with List Leverage- to enhance the experience. After joining the email list of List Leverage, I received an email from Matthew…

List Leverage Is A Lead Generation System

We’ll cover that shortly.

Who Is Matthew Neer?

Matthew Neer is a successful online marketer. List Leverage isn’t his first product creation. He’s created 5k Formula and many more others.

The product, we’re referring to today, was recently created a little over a year ago.

Anyhow, Mr. Neer has teamed up with another successful marketer named Joel Therien.

Joel is the creator of the email autoresponder that links to List Leverage. 

Email From Matthew Right After Joing A List Leverage Email List

How Does List Leverage Work?

Typically, with a normal autoresponder, you’ll have to generate every single lead by yourself, which takes work, skill, and effort.

On the other hand, with List Leverage, it’s intended to be like a team effort.

Every lead that is generated by you they’ll be added to your subscribers list.

There’s a small catch that you should be aware of.

Every 5th lead you’ll have to pass-up to your sponsor. (Also, known as the person who referred you)

Matthew Neer, calls this your lead line.

Example Of Your LeadLine For The List Leverage System

So, it goes like this, your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th lead will go into your list.

And, when you get your 5th lead.

That person is passed up to the person who referred you to the system.

The process repeats itself until infinity.

So, there’s no cap on how many leads you can generate. And there’s no cap on how many 5th leads you’ll pass up.

To make sure you understand how this works. 

Let’s give another example.

Your 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th lead, you’ll keep.

The 10th lead is passed up. I think you get it now.

The bottom line is, every 5th lead you’ll always have to pass up.

If you want to know how many leads you’re passing up. It’s 20% of your list.

An Example Of 20% Of your Leads Given Up

For example, if you were able to generate 1000 leads.

You’ll end up with 800 leads on your list. And your sponsor will get the other 200 leads.

Keep in mind that everyone who joins this system, is repeating the same process.

So, you won’t be the only one passing up leads.

As I mentioned earlier it’s almost like a team effort.

According to List Leverage all you must do is drive traffic.

Once you get the leads on your list, the system is supposed to host events to your leads. Such as:

  • Live Webinars
  • Conference Calls
  • Facebook Lives

What Are The List Leverage Products?

There’s three products offered within the List Leverage system itself. 

Which also explains why you’re able to earn commissions in 3 ways too.

To participate with this program you’ll need to decide if you want to start with the beginner program or the super affiliate program.

The cost of List Leverage is listed below.

Beginner Program is a monthly fee at $49.00

  • This includes the resell rights of the List Leverage Software Solution (The System Itself)
  • The $49 per month package is recommended for people who just want to test the system out.

Super Affiliate Program is a yearly fee of $398.

  • This includes resell rights. Viral lead splash pages and 2 additional income streams. 
  • Once you have full access, you’re qualified to earn an additional $200 commission.

Plus, as a Super Affiliate you’ll get access to 2 FREE Bonuses

  • Free Traffic Rotator

You’re supposed to receive free traffic and free leads, as long as you remain an active member.

  • Free Traffic Training (Valued at $497)

This training teaches you how to leverage social media, and how to generate more sales.

The 3 Products within the system are as follows:

Lead Capture Pages for $97 with a lifetime access

  • 15 high converting lead capture pages

Email Swipes for $247 with a lifetime access

  • Get 1000 email swipes by Matthew Neer

Automated Webinars for $497 with lifetime access

  • Instant access to 10 webinars that can be downloaded and streamed.
  • Over 30 hours of webinar content

The webinar package comes with bonuses.

  • Bonuses: Learn how to flip domain names and earn thousands.
  • Bonuses: Internet Marketing Cibsouracues

Additional Product Purchases

In addition to purchasing List Leverage software solution itself, you’re encouraged to purchase the following to make this system effective.

  • SendShark which costs $25.00 per month for 50,000 subscribers.

Send Shark is the tool that you’ll use to build your email list. If you don’t understand what an autoresponder is, it allows you to send out follow-up emails, plus broadcast them.

  • Traffic Software Suite (It’s really called Traffic Authority)

The Traffic Authority is a paid traffic platform. They offer paid traffic packages from $220 to $8397.00. Not only that, traffic authority has other products that cost additional fees.

Regardless, according to Matthew, every online marketer needs a traffic rotator, tracking link creator, and lead capture page builder, and of course high quality training.

List Leverage Compensation Plan

List Leverage is a business opportunity wrapped with multiple income streams. The commissions listed below can only be earned if your referrals decide to purchase any of the products.

The List Leverage system will help you earn $20 per month in commissions. If your referral were to purchase a monthly subscription.

If your referral decided to join as a yearly member you’ll earn a $200 commission.

List Leverage 3 Product Compensation Plan

  • Lead Capture Pages which cost $97. It pays you a $50 commission.
  • Email Swipes which cost $247. It pays you $125 commission.
  • Automated Webinars cost you $497. It’ll pay you $250 commission.
Make Money With List Leverage Email System

Additional Add On Compensation Plan

Send Shark retails at $25 per month. You’ll earn $12 per month.

I’m not positive if you’ll earn for any additional sales that Send Shark offers to your referrals. The first upsell that you’re referral will see in Send Shark is $497.00. I know because I was a member.

The Traffic Authority allows you to earn somewhere around 45%.

According to Matthew, this is how your Traffic Authority compensation works

Newbie Traffic Packages

  • Basic earns you $80
  • Bronze earns you $160
  • Silver earns you $240

OR you can purchase a Super Affiliate Traffic Package

  • Platinum earns you $800
  • Titanium earns you $1600
  • Diamond earns you $3,200

Also, if any of the leads that were passed up to you buys traffic or purchases the system you’ll earn pass-up commissions too. But, this only applies to Super Affiliate members.

You Should Also Consider This

Become A Super Affiliate Or Else

If you choose not to become a super affiliate ($398 per year). You won’t qualify for the additional $200 commission income stream.

So, if you start off as a beginner, you’ll pass commissions up to your sponsor.

No Commission Pass-Ups With The Traffic Package

Although, you had to pass up leads with the List Leverage system itself. And, if you become a beginner member, you’ll have to pass-up commissions.

The good news is you won’t have to pass up commissions with the traffic authority system.

Your referral has a choice of how many buyers they want to purchase.

They can order 200 to 8000 visitors.

And every time one of your referrals buys a done for you traffic package. This is where you can cash in, and keep all of your commissions.

If You Can’t Afford Paid Traffic, Think Twice

You’ll need to take this into consideration. The traffic packages can range from $220 to $8397.00 per purchase. Can you dish out that type of money?

I know there’s many numbers in this article. So, to make it as simple as possible. I’ve provided the math down below.

If you start as a beginner, you’ll need to pay the $49.00 monthly fee + $25.00 fee for Send Shark + Basic Traffic. This gives you a total of approximately $294 per month.

By the way, many of the members seeing success with this program do purchase the done for you package, which brings me to the next point.

Traffic Authority Complaints

After seeing a comment on YouTube, where a List Leverage member paid over $2000 into this system and hasn’t made a dime yet. I decided to research the Traffic Authority. I myself have never used them. So, this was the best option.

I discovered on the BBB website that the Traffic Authority program does have some improvements to do. You can read what other consumers had to say about the Traffic Authority.

List Leverage FAQ’s

Does List Leverage Offer Support?

Yes, List Leverage has a private Facebook group that you can join.

And, if you ever have further questions regarding your bill, or generally. You can always contact them directly. Their email address is They also offer phone support at 1-850-745-2961 Monday through Friday 9am to 6pm EST.


If List Leverage Is So Automated Why Do I See People Making YouTube Videos? And Do I Need To Make Them To Be Successful?

Truth is List Leverage, isn’t exactly automated.

It still takes work, and money. If you don’t have the funds to invest in the traffic, you’ll need to have more patience than most.

Keep in mind regardless of what opportunity you decide to join, making money online is never ever guaranteed.

According to Matthew, you won’t need to promote on social media, talk your head off on YouTube, or build a blog to be successful with this program, which may be somewhat true.

What you need to understand is that this program will require money. How much you may ask?

I can’t confidently say that. I don’t know if you’re a shiny object syndrome seeker. Or if you’ll stick with one program.

The system is built so that you can get leads onto a list, and constantly promote products.

So, you could spend as little as hundreds of dollars. And as high as thousands.

If you’re not careful, you could lose a lot of money.

With that said, if you’re not able to invest in the paid traffic, or willing to build a blog.

Then your only choice is to promote via free traffic.


Is List Leverage An MLM?

According to many members this program is a form of affiliate marketing.

Whenever, I hear the words building teams, sponsors, and any form of recruiting. It’s a sign of an MLM.

So, yes I do believe that List Leverage is a form of an MLM. Affiliate marketing doesn’t require you to recruit, build teams, and you don’t have sponsors.


Is List Leverage Like My Lead Gen Secret?

In a sense, List Leverage, or LL, sounds similar to My Lead Gen Secret but, at hte same time, they are two different things. At least with MLGS, you don’t have to invest much. And, you’re given at leads every single day. That’s what your montly subscription pays for. 

The bottom lines, is I don’t see them both the same.

Can You Make Money With This Program?

Yes, I believe you can. Is it the best money making opportunity? Well, that all depends on you. And, is it really that easy? I don’t believe that you will make tons of money as easily as Matthew Neer claims. If you could everyone would be doing it, including me.


Final Judgment – Is List Leverage A Scam?

I have no reason to believe that List Leverage is a scam.

I’m also confident that I don’t recommend this program. Especially to a beginner or someone on a budget. As an experienced marketer, sure List Leverage will work. They know what they’re doing, and they also have the budget.

Either way, the choice is yours! I wish you the best in all you do. If you want to check out how I learned to make money online, then read this review.

1 thought on “List Leverage Review: Is It Really That Easy Or Am I Being Scammed?”

  1. Take it from me. List Leverage promises that you can make $1000’s easily, even with a push of a button. That’s the first sign that something is not right with this software. Basically, it is designed to lead you through an expensive funnel where you can buy more pieces to this software and then, hope for the best. It requires a lot of traffic, which costs a lot of money. They promote Traffic Authority, which is also a shady company. It’s not a scam, but just like you said, it’s not recommended. Thanks for the review!


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