OneForma Review

Instead of outright deeming OneForma as a scam, I investigated myself. Therefore, I’m a registered Independent Contractor with OneForma who undertakes several projects.

So, welcome to my OneForma review you’ll learn who they are, if they’re legit, and what to expect.

What Is OneForma?

OneForma is a crowdsourcing website, that offers many micro-task projects. They offer flexible schedules, with the ability to work from home from any location.

With that being said, OneForma contracts with Independent Contractors.

Meaning you’ll be considered a Freelancer or an individual that is partaking in a 1099 job. Therefore, you’ll be responsible for your own taxes, benefits, schedule, and business expenses.

The projects that they seek independent contracts range anywhere from:

  • Full-Time/Part-Time Positions
  • Translation and Transcription jobs
  • Data Collection and Internet Judging
  • One off to taking a few months to complete projects.

By the way, OneForma fancy word for Independent Contractor job or assignment is called “Projects”. This company has been around since 2019.

How Does It Work?

In order to start working with OneForma, it’s free to join.

Each project has its own requirements. Don’t worry, OneForma will notify you of any tasks that you must complete. In many cases certifications must be completed.

Keep in mind that OneForma is a micro task website. That means one day you might have the ability to complete several projects and the next day there might be no projects available at all.

Pay rates are confidential and can’t be discussed. If you decide to join Oneforma the amount you make will be discussed between you and OneForma.

If I were to compare this website to others.

I would say its reminds me of micro task sites like ClickWorker.

The difference is that OneForma seems to be a bit more organized. Plus, they have certain tasks that need to be completed before you can be considered for a project.

As I mentioned earlier the pay rate can’t be discussed so I have no idea what pay to expect. Besides, each worker is paid different, and OneForma works with about 200 countries.

Either way, I didn’t expect much from this company. I initially was skeptical about them.

After completing a few tasks, and my W9 form, I must give them more credit.

I was more than impressed on how they have their certifications organized and the information they teach you within them.

Additionally, I realized after about 10 minutes that OneForma takes confidentiality extremely serious. Therefore, please make sure you abide by their rules.

If you decide to join OneForma, working in a library, rented office, or anywhere in the public is not encouraged.

All their clients information, including the OneForma platform should remain protected at all times, and you should always be working on a secure internet connection. The bottom line is, it’s best to work while you’re in a private setting.

Is OneForma Legit?

Yes, OneForma by PacteraEDGE is a legitimate company.

You’re probably wondering why there’s so many negative reviews online. In addition to that there’s so many people asking for help on how to upload this and that? How to pass the certification? How to get started working? And many more unanswered questions.

Well, I may not be able to cover all the unanswered questions but, I certainly will do my best.

I myself have not had any issues with the platform. Then again, I haven’t been a registered member for long. To pass the certification, you may need to slow down, take notes, and try again.

You can get started working by applying to OneForma, and follow the prompts that they tell you to do.

How Are OneFormers Paid?

Although OneForma prefers Payoneer.

As a OneFormer, there are three ways to receive your payment.

Not only can you use payoneer, but, you can request your payment to be sent directly to your bank account, or PayPal account. Once either of your payment options is active, it should appear on your OneForma dashboard.

Who Is OneForuma For

If you enjoy working on small tasks, and you don’t depend on this income. I recommend OneForma to you.

However, I don’t recommend OneForma if you’re seeking a permanent work from home solution and you need to pay bills ASAP.

There are too many certifications and additional requirements that you have to complete before you even have the chance of earning a single dime.

And although they hire for many different projects, pay rate is not discussed in the public view. Therefore, OneForma is a website for people who need to supplement their income, or would like to earn additional income.

Either way, to work with this company you will need to provide your own equipment.

What I Like About OneForma

I like the certifications that Oneforma has to offer.

If you ever need help or just want to chat, there’s a small community to go hang out with.

After joining, OneForma, you have the option of working with an additional company (if approved).

I like the idea of setting my own schedule, working on my terms, and being able to apply to different projects simultaneously.

OneForma has a LinkedIn Page.

They also have an mobile app.

What I Didn’t Like About OneForma

To apply for different projects, you’ll need certain certification. OneForma doesn’t necessarily go into detail about which certification you’ll need to take for that particular project.

Therefore, you could spend hours working on getting certified and not actually take the certification that was needed for the project that your interested in. Time is money. So, that in itself was disappointing.

You would need to set some time aside to pass your certifications.

I don’t like that the pay isn’t disclosed.

I’ve also don’t like the fact that according to the negative reviews most people felt like they were working a lot of hours for very little money. As I mentioned earlier, this company is for people who wants extra money but, doesn’t depend solely on this one income.

If you prefer Independent contractor jobs that are more stable, check out Working Solutions. You may also be interested in HotelPlanner.

Final Thoughts Of OneForma

The bottom line here is OneForma is not a scam. They are a legit company, that hires workers who love to work from home independently and on their own schedules. Are you interested in becoming a OneFormer?

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