ClickFunnels Review: What is it?

Name: ClickFunnels


Price: $97 per month | or $ $297 per month

Owners: Russell Brunson

ClickFunnels Review 

Are you wondering if ClickFunnels is for you or your business?

I decided to write this review because, I see ClickFunnels being promoted everywhere, and it’s nothing wrong with that. It’s awesome software.

On the other hand, there is a problem, when you sign up to ClickFunnels, and you don’t have needs for the software.

In this review, you’ll find out if, ClickFunnels, is a software that you need for your business.

Anyhow, when I was a new member of the 4 percent group, ClickFunnels was probably one of the first software’s that was introduced to me,  along with other products.

In fact, it was hyped up, Vick the owner of 4 percent said, “we needed it, and it would help us survive on the internet.”

So, what did all the new online marketers do?

We all signed up for it but, did we really need it?

In short, no, we didn’t need it right away.

We had a product to market but, no customer base.

What Is ClickFunnels?

In a nutshell, ClickFunnels is the place to go if you want to build sales funnels for your business or clients.

In other words, you’ll be able to create sales funnels, landing pages, and or squeeze pages.

It also gives you everything you would need to market, sell, and deliver your products online!

In fact, ClickFunnels can do a lot of amazing things, like help you organize your marketing tools all in one place.

This amazing software will help you keep all your sales and marketing stuff under one roof, which is ClickFunnels.

If you want to grow your business through sales funnels, here are some of the features that ClickFunnels offer.

  • Easy to use drag and drop page editor.
  • Smart shopping carts with 1 click up-sell.
  • The ability to have email and Facebook marketing.
  • Everything is on one dashboard.
  • Tell them ClickFunnels your goals, and they will give you the highest converting funnel for free.
  • Do you want to sell services or products? Well, you can with ClickFunnels.
  • There are funnels that you can build or use so that you can sell to other businesses.
  • Run Webinars.
  • Generate Leads.
  • Send Emails and More.
  • Build a Membership site and so much more.
  • ClickFunnels will teach many ways to market your product.

You can brand yourself with sales funnels but, you’ll also want to own a website as well.

With that being said, Russell Brunson, the owner of Clickfunnels, is giving away the free scripts that he uses to promote anything and everything, which I think might help you in your business.

Currently, you can get the script for free, the only request he asks is that you pay for the shipping fees.

And guess what it’s less than $10.

If you’re interested Check the Perfect Webinar Secrets out.

If you’re a speaker or want to be a speaker, and you want to learn how to sell any MLM product without having to talk with your friends and family, Mr. Brunson has proven over the last 10 years that the perfect webinar blueprint literally sells anything and everything.

Moreover, if you’re struggling to grow your business, the perfect webinar blueprint is designed for you as well.

The perfect webinar blueprint has helped people in your industry make over $100 million dollars to date. If you plug any product or service to this blueprint it will sell for you.

You can get a copy of the script for less than $10 bucks at Claim Your Perfect Webinar Script Here Anyhow, look no further, if you had an idea and a product for your business and never knew how to put all the pieces of the puzzle together.

Mr. Brunson has solved the issue for all entrepreneurs who have a great idea, a vision, and you know exactly what you need to do and how this idea will change the world but, all of a sudden you’re stuck.

Feeling Stuck With Your Product Idea Clickfunnels Revieww

Why Are You Stuck?

You have no idea how to code, no clue on how to design, and you don’t even have the slightest clue if your idea will work out.

Imagine this, spending hours, days, weeks, and maybe even years dealing with the tech guy and the amount he wants to charge you for his service is impossible.

Those days, hours, weeks, and maybe even years fly by, and your bright idea starts to get dimmer and dimmer.

Eventually, after dealing with the tech guy and how to make your idea work, your dreams slowly start to die off. This is where almost all entrepreneur’s dreams just become non-existent.

Therefore, those same entrepreneurs give up, but there is no need to give up because, there is a solution, to keep your dream alive. And that is why I am introducing you to ClickFunnels.

Sales Pages That Convert

With this digital software, you will be able to build sales pages inside of a funnel that will convert.

No, you do not have to be a programmer, nor do you have to be a web designer, and you don’t have to know anything techy. You’re in luck because training will be provided.

Right now Russell Brunson is offering his 99 Marketing Secrets that could change your business, and the best part is, it’s “FREE.” In this book, you’ll learn the 99 Marketing Secrets that Mr. Brunson uses or has used. This could change your life and your business.

ClickFunnel Review: What is it?

In addition to this, the book will explain to you how Russell, took ClickFunnels from $0 to $100,000,000 in sales.

Better yet, Russell and the team is willing to take you by the hand as you launch your first or next sales funnel. Join the challenge now for free. If you’re a person that struggles with getting your business off the ground, you may want to check out this 30-day challenge. The best part is, you will receive help from the 3-top notch marketing experts, and it’s just $100 for the WHOLE challenge!

This challenge is for someone who hates the business they built, or you need help with the actual implementation stages. Then this 30-day challenge will force you to buckle down and get your first funnel built.

The Good And Valuable

  • This software is really powerful.
  • The customer service is great!
  • The funnels are one of the best on the market.
  • Training is provided via videos.
  • There are a lot of features available for ClickFunnels.

The Bad And Ugly

  • For a new person on a budget, this can be a bit pricey.
  • There are other ways to create a funnel.
  • ClickFunnels isn’t for everyone.
  • You’ll need to learn how to market your funnel.

Who is ClickFunnels For?

ClickFunnels, in my opinion, is for an advanced marketer who has a product, or an idea of a product. Besides, if you’re new to the internet you, won’t need a funnel right away, unless, you do have a product idea in mind.

ClickFunnels Tools & Training

I haven’t used ClickFunnels ever since I started blogging, so, the training at the time, was a select number of training videos. The tools that will be provided are the funnels, and a step by step training guide on how to set them up.

ClickFunnels Support

ClickFunnels has chat support available right in your back office. All you have to do is chat with support, if they are not online, you can still leave a message, and ClickFunnels will return a reply as soon as they can.

What Is ClickFunnels Pricing?

ClickFunnels has two options.

Each option has different features.

There are so many features that they just all can’t be listed here. So, I encourage you to check out the main page of ClickFunnels, themselves.

Not all features are listed here but, here is a brief overview.

$97 Per Month

  • Ability to have 20 funnels
  • You can 100 pages
  • # 20,000 visitors
  • Unlimited contacts
  • 3 custom domains
  • A/B Testing and much more.

$297 Per Month

  • Unlimited funnels, pages, contacts, and visitors.
  • Unlimited domains
  • And much more

ClickFunnels Customer Service Is Awesome!

ClickFunnels as a whole is awesome marketing software to have, this always includes their customer service. Customer service is willing to help you out, whenever you need help!

My Final Opinion ClickFunnels Review

I have used ClickFunnels in the past, and I enjoyed using the marketing software but, in my opinion, ClickFunnels is more for the person, who doesn’t have a website or doesn’t want a website, and needs to get their product or services in front of eyeballs.

I also must admit that ClickFunnels, is a bit pricey if you’re on a budget.

Regardless, if you still have an idea or want to start a business, there are other cost-effective ways to do so. You can always start your own website and market your products there.

It doesn’t cost as much as it would with this advanced technology. By the way, if you still have no clue on a business idea, read about my #1 recommendation below.

Anyhow, ClickFunnels can be overkill, if you’re just trying to promote an e-book. Of course, everyone has their own opinions, and this is my opinion, once I was introduced to the system, it wasn’t the cost of the software.

In fact, it was the software that I didn’t need at the time.

Nonetheless, ClickFunnels is an awesome software and yes, it is worth it but, only when you get to that point in your business.

======>   Read about my #1 Recommendation  <======

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