What Is Ewen Chia AutoPilot Profits About?$3,460.25 Made In The Last 24 Hours

Welcome to the Ewen Chia Autopilot Profits Review!

Name: Ewen Chia Autopilot Profits

Website:   www.autopolitsprofits.com

Price:  $37.00 one time fee

Owners:  Ewen Chia

Best For:  No one

Affiliate Training:   40 out of 100

Support:   50 out of 100

Newbie Friendly: 40 out of 100

Cost:70 out of 100

SUMMARY: This product was created by Ewen Chia, who is a popular marketer, and he loves putting products together. So, this product was put together to teach you affiliate marketing, and how to set up a WordPress website. Autopilot profits also claims to have made $3,460.25 in the last 24 hours, and they are claiming you can too.

Overall Rating:

No I wouldn’t recommend this software.

Ewen Chia Autopilot Profits Overview

Are you looking for the autopilot income machine that just made $3,460.25 in the last 24 hours? What if you had an online ATM that you could create within 30  minutes, and it paid you every day for the rest of your life, would you build it? Of course, you would, and I would like it too!

Today, you will learn the truth about the Ewen Chia autopilot profits system. Can you easily create an ATM that will pay you every minute of the day, by spending 30 minutes or less working on your business?

The short answer to this is no! You can’t create a system that will pay you over and over again, by just putting 30 minutes of work into it. It takes time to learn internet marketing, and a few techniques to craft the entire process. After you have determined what it takes, then yes, you could be paid over and over again.

These type of systems, like to present themselves as a car salesman, and showboat with their income proofs, this is precisely how they get people to sign up to programs like this. Once people see dollar signs, it’s like all common sense goes out the window.

There is no way; you can ever build a business by working 30 minutes a day and expect a decent paycheck every pay period.

Anyhow, what is this so-called ATM that is cranking out cash every minute of the day for Ewen Chia?

By the way, Ewen is the owner of this autopilot profits system, and he is proud to announce that he is the only one out there, using his real name. I don’t know what to think about that.

I’m not sure if he is bragging that he is selling people scammy stuff, and confident that he is doing this with his real name or what. However, I have to applaud him because he is very confident and believes in what he does.  

Anyhow, as I was doing research, I found another system that Ewen Chia was attached to, it was listed under the domain name “Get Internet Income.”

This domain name had the same name as autopilot profits, which you can find listed on the sales page. However, for some reason, that product has been removed from the market.

Besides that, autopilot profits is another one of those hyped up systems, that claims or you’ll make an unlimited amount of money, without managing anything, tweaking anything, watching over anything, or even thinking about anything.

Not only that, you can repeat this cycle more than once; you’ll be able to do this 10 times. How would you like to create a cash spitting ATM 10 times?

Autopolit Profits ATM Cash

I’m sure you would love it, and guess what Ewen, says the best part is you won’t need a product, nor do you need a website, unless you want a domain name, you won’t even need one of those, and you won’t even need hosting. So, this made me curious about what would you need?

I also forgot to mention just like bulletproof profits, 30-minute methods, and some other reviews that I’ve done, in the past; Ewen has also found a mysterious traffic source, that will allow you to turn all of your free traffic into a running faucet. Internet marketers dreams, I’m sure.

So, why should we listen to Ewen? Well because he is a #1 international bestselling author, of a book called “ How I made My First Million Online And How You Can Too!”

Autopolit Profits BestSeller Book Ewen Chia

He also started internet marketing back in 1997 so; he has spent over 20 years doing this. I guess he knows what he is talking about; not to mention he has tried 113 different methods, to find out there was only one real way to spit out cash every minute of the day as if it was an ATM. Also, he has thousands of people attending his webinars and coaching programs.

The real reason, why people listen to Ewen, is because he is an influencer. He is in a position that most people wouldn’t mind being in, which is being successful, and I understand all of that.  Plus being an influencer, is really what it says, he can influence people; no matter how good or bad the situation is; however, you must be careful with these types of programs, that are always hyping up the product more than what it should be hyped up.

Here is what you would get if you were to purchase autopilot profits.

It is a course that is supposed to teach you how to build affiliate marketing websites, with WordPress.org sites. During this course, Ewen wants you to focus on a niche of your choice.

Building a website, and finding a niche is a way to find success online. Every blogger that launches a website, will have to choose a niche, which are usually affiliate marketing websites, but not always.

Regardless, you’ll get a 59 page eBook, and like 20 training videos. The problem with the training videos is; they are short, most are 10 minutes or less. There is no way; this training can teach you what to do online within those short videos. You don’t won’t create a cash spitting ATM with shallow training;  you’ll need more in-depth training. I can only assume this is the reason why Ewen, then offers you like 14 up-sells. More on that in a minute.

Step 1-3 will teach you the basics that you need to know just to get started with your website and affiliate marketing. The truth is, you would probably be better off, signing up to Affilorama, they have a free account, and with that free account you would get at least a great start.  

Step 1: Is where you will learn how affiliate marketing works

Step 2: You’ll need to learn how to drive traffic

Step 3: Is how you can promote your website.

All I can say is this system is just a way, for Ewen, to get you inside his funnel, and then make even more money off of you. There are so many up-sells within the program, that I couldn’t keep track of all of them.

Furthermore, Ewen did more focusing on selling you things, than he did training you on how to become a successful online marketer.

I’ve also noticed, while reviewing this system, that Ewen stated you wouldn’t have to build a website, yet, he is teaching you to create one. He also said you wouldn’t need a domain name, yet, to make a website, you will need a domain name, plus you will need hosting for your site.  so, right there shows you that Ewen has some tricks up his sleeves.


  • Ewen is a real person and has shared photos with famous people..
  • Ewen is confident in his products, coaching, and sell tactics.  

  • It’s not a scam.
  • The front-end cost won’t break the bank. 
  • There is a 60-day money back guarantee. 
  • There is some training but not enough. 


  • It gives the impression that you can make money right away.
  • The training is short and only explains what affiliate marketing is and how it works.
  • Lies on the sales page.
  • It’s not a scam, but he is presenting borderline scammy tendencies.

Who is Ewen Chia Autopilot Profits For?

Before I even got passed the sales page, I knew that this system was something that I wouldn’t recommend to anyone, and here is the reason why. First of all, it was too salesy, and the entire landing page is talking about how he buys new cars every few months, how he is able to hang out with the most successful and influential people in the world.  

Second, there is no way; you will ever set up any business, whether it’s local or online; there is absolutely no way you can just set it up and leave it without paying attention to it.

Just think about it! Do you think Walmart would set their business on complete autopilot? I don’t think so; someone has to check on the profits, the sales, the inventory, and so on.

Ewen Chia Autopilot Profits Tools & Training

The training, within this system, was not worth too much, you may learn a thing or two but, nothing, that will get you to the level of making a $3000 monthly income.  Plus there was training, within Autopilot profits that were low quality and outdated.

I don’t recommend using Ewen practices because, when it comes to building a website, you must stay up to date with the changes, of Google, SEO, and some other things that are always changing, if you don’t stay up to date, you could fall behind or even ruin your entire site. 

When it comes to Google, SEO, and other marketing tactics, things change all the time. Just recently the domain authority on every marketer’s website has either dropped or increased, which was a change so that right there should give you an idea on how often the changes happen on the internet

Anyways, I stated earlier that I would mention the up-sells that offered in this product. These up-sells were additional training.

Plus there are about 14 up-sells to further your training, and here is the list.

  • Mega Traffic Package $67
  • Autopilot Social Profits $147
  • Instant Websites $197
  • Ultimate Free Traffic Software $297
  • Traffic Millionaire $19.97 per month
  • Shortcut to $10k – $9.97
  • Super Affiliate Millionaire Online Workshop Training $297
  • Cash Biz $29.97
  • Traffic Avalanche $37
  • Copy Paste Income $37
  • Complete Business Setup $297
  • My Top Tier Business (MTTB) $49 + $19/month +$1997 (MOBE) which has been shut down somewhere around June 2018.
  • Pure Leverage $24.95 per month + $19.95 per month

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Autopolit Profits

Ewen Chia AutoPilot Profits Support

There was support within the system, if you needed to contact, anyone. If you ever need to get a refund for this product, I would contact ClickBank themselves.

Ewen Chia AutoPilot Profits Price

The front end product is $37.00 one time fee, and after that, there are upsells. Too many to keep track of.

My Final Opinion of Ewen Chia AutoPilot Profits

The bottom line is, autopilot profits is close to being a scam. Ewen doesn’t care what you buy as long as you buy something. Also, on the sales page, Ewen said you wouldn’t need a website, hosting, or domain, and clearly, you do.

So, Ewen lied on the sales page, he outright lied. So, he gives false claims, which is bad, to begin with. If you were to purchase this product; warning nothing would be set up on autopilot. You will have to work, and you may have to buy a few more courses to learn affiliate marketing, because, this course is not cutting it.

He also states that he loved helping people who struggle to make money after he has helped a particular size group of people to make money; the website, his scammy landing page will come down forever.

That is a lie, his web-page has been up for some time, now, and I’m sure it will remain on the internet until, people stop buying into the product, or it is shut down by the FTC. Other than, that Ewen won’t remove the site. I am linking to the site so that you can see that it will not change anytime soon, and I am sure he has found his last 9 people that he needed to help.

Also, Ewen says if you can’t figure out how to build your website or send traffic to it, he will do it for you. The only way, Ewen can take thousands of peoples businesses, and did it for them, is he will charge you hundreds, maybe even thousands to do this.

Besides, Ewen does not control Google, Bing, or Yahoo he can’t just turn on a magic button and let traffic run to your website. There is no such thing, in this autopilot profits course your introduced to Solo Ads. No, he does not teach you how to run them, so be careful, when running Solo Ads, you could potentially lose a lot of money.

My final thoughts, one course that was mentioned within Autopilot Profits was Mobe, and it was offered as an up-sell. MOBE is one of the earlier programs; I signed up with before learning the internet. I lost a lot of money with them, and I was also a Consultant of MOBE before they were shut down by the FTC. In other words, a program was being offered that doesn’t even exist any longer. So, Ewen is very misleading through his entire sales pitch.

Ewen Chia AutoPilot Profits at a Glance…

Name:  Ewen Chia AutoPilot Profits

Website:  www.autopolitsprofits.com

Price:  $37 one time fee

Owners:  Ewen Chia

Best For:  No One

Overall Rank:   50 out of 100


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