The Silk Road Effect Review (Save Your Money)

Welcome to the Silk Road Effect Review!

Name: Silk Road Effect


Price:  $17

Owners:  Unknown

Best For:  No One

SUMMARY: Silk Road Effect is a basic eCommerce training, claiming to teach you how you can make a lot of money in the fastest way.

​Silk Road Effect, is a Clickbank product that I came across today, and it claims to reveal how you can make $1800.00 every day, most quickly.

What Is Silk Road Effect?

It’s training that teaches the eCommerce business model. You know like drop shipping. Drop shipping is a legit business model but, the way that it’s shown on the sales video it won’t happen exactly as easy as it’s being presented. In this review, you’ll find out what the concerns as you continuing reading the rest of this review.

Welcome To Silk Road EffectWelcome To Silk Road Effect

​Is Silk Road Effect A Scam?

No, it’s not a scam because, as I mentioned earlier that eCommerce is a legit business model, and you can make money by doing drop shipping.

However, the sales video has set false expectations and leading you to think that it’s easy when it’s not.  In addition to this, you’ll receive basic eCommerce training, which I go into further detail later.

Silk Road Effect RevealedSilk Road Effect Revealed

​Here Is The Misleading Information

#1. Guarantee That You Will Be A Millionaire

On the sales video the guy that’s presenting Silk Road Effect, is asking if he could guarantee that you could make a millionaire dollars within 12 months would you do it?

The problem with this statement is that no one can guarantee how much you’ll make in any business. Your complete success with any online business depends on your work ethics.

#2. Ancient Secrets

First, of all, you’ll never find out the secret until after you​’ve purchased the product, which annoys me. If Silk Road Effect was so promising then why not be confident in exposing what the business model is from the jump.

Anyhow, the business model that you’ll learn is drop shipping, and drop shipping isn’t an ancient old secret.

Indeed, it’s considered to be a profitable business model, and it has advanced over time. However, the term drop shipping hasn’t been around long but, the concept itself, has been around for a long time.

It all started with mailing orders, and Sears was the king of this idea when it came to an eCommerce business model.

With that in mind, if you would like to read more about the evolution of drop shipping read this resource.

#3. Highly Sensitive

According to the sales video the information that you will receive within this training is has been held back from the western world, which again is not valid.

Anyhow, the guy also tells you that you will have a chance of transforming your life with a secret that he shouldn’t be telling you, again false. Drop shipping isn’t a secret.

#4. Unrealistic Income Claims

The landing page is very misleading when it comes to income claims. First, it’ll entice you with making $1800.00, every day with Silk Road Effect quick method.

Then while you’re watching the sales video, you’ll be shown million dollar checks. Plus many more huge income claims. It’s undoubtedly possible to make loads of money with drop shipping, many people have been successful with it. However, it won’t happen overnight.

Income Claims UnrealisticIncome Claims Unrealistic

#5. No Work

With any business, you’ll always have to work. So, for Silk Road Effect to claim that they have can take the average joe, without having to do any work, and make lots of money within 12 months is false.

Correct you can make money while you’re sleeping and on vacation. However, there has to be previous hard work applied to your business for this to happen. No action equals no money. Besides, even when you’re able to make money while your sleeping or on vacation, the work will continue.

#6. Claims That The Sales Video Will Be Removed

The video will be removed soon, is a scarcity tactic. It’s another way to make you feel pressured into buying the product.

#7. Training Isn’t Worth The Investment

After researching, this entire product, I can’t see how the training would be worth the price, especially for the investment. Furthermore, some of the material I found on the internet for a fraction of the cost, and some were free. ​Here is a beginners Guide To Start selling online.


  • ​60-Day Money Back Guaranteed


  • ​Unrealistic Income Claims
  • False Hopes
  • Paid Actors
  • Very Misleading
  • Product Is Held Secretive Until You Purchase

​Who is Silk Road Effect For ​& Can You Make Money?

In my opinion, the Silk Road Effect is for people who already own a brick and mortar store and would like to sell more items online. Alternatively,  if you’re comfortable buying inventory, dealing with the customers and shipping items, then drop shipping may be for you.

Above all, I think any beginner can do it. However, it’s best that you get the proper training, tools, and guidance when it comes to drop shipping or you could risk losing out on a lot of money.

At any rate, according to this source, they have claimed that they built a drop shipping store and made money within 8 weeks. I can’t promise you anything but, it could be an excellent guide to read over if you’re seriously thinking about starting a drop shipping store.

Silk Road Effect Tools & Training

The training itself, consist of PDF’s and video training that may not help you be a successful eCommerce business owner. So, with that said, you’ll most likely need more training.

Silk Road Effect Training gives you a basic idea of eCommerce.

  • Such as What is E-commerce and why you should take notice?
  • An introduction to eCommerce business model.
  • How to create an online store?
  • Creating A Shopify site
  • Creating A Woo-commerce store
  • Designing a store that will sell
  • Generate more sales with pricing and persuasive writing – 8 ways
  • 9 Marketing your e-commerce site
  • Designing a store that will be profitable
  • 10 starting your e-commerce business

​Silk Road Effect Up-Sells

​​​After the initial purchase price of $17.00, there are up-sells and down-sells that you can expect to be hit with. Instead, of paying the $17.00 fee, you may be lucky enough to come across the $9.00 down-sell.

Up-sell #1. – $29.00 to $299.00 Per Month – 

Shopify Store – You’re encouraged to activate your 14-day free trial with Shopify. If you’ve never been to Shopify website before, the investment to run a Shopify store ranges from $29 per month to $299 per month. Depending on the level of membership you choose. You can always start with the Shopify lite membership which is $9.00 per month.

By the way, Shopify lite doesn’t include your web hosting, which you’ll need hosting to be seen on the internet. With any website that you plain on becoming a success with you’ll need to purchase a domain name. Unless you prefer their branded domain name(

I don’t recommend using Shopify’s domain name because if you’re serious about drop shipping, you’ll want your domain name and you’re own brand.

Furthermore, Shopify lite is catered more to social media marketing, in-person marketing, or marketing on an existing website. Anyhow, I wouldn’t suggest that you rely on social media marketing only.

What happens if your social media accounts get shut down, because, it does happen? Relying on social media alone you can risk your entire income.

In this case, it would be best to go with the Shopify basic plan for $29.00 per month; that way you have a better opportunity to promote and manage your Shopify store. Plus, you’ll be building a home for your eCommerce brand.

Up-Sell # 2. – $197.00 –

Silk Road Deluxe- which is supposed to be a way for you to earn up to $5000 from one single website. If you decline this offer, you’ll have the opportunity to pay $97.00.

Anyhow, the 2nd Up-Sell is two PDFs about Amazon Affiliate Blueprint, which can be found on Amazon, for a fraction of the cost and the other PDF is Shopify Secrets which, I saw for way less than $197.00.

Besides, Shopify has a blog that you could always use to research the information for free.You may also want to see what others are saying about drop shipping.

Cheaper Options HereCheaper Options Here

Up-Sel l# 3. – $197.00 – 

Marco Polo Secret- this is where you can earn up to $500,000 in 30 days. The secret is that you’ll pay $197.00 for a PDF book called Drop shipping 101. This website will give you the same book for free.  In addition to this, as a beginner $500,000 in 30 days is unlikely.

Regardless, if I were to calculate your monthly expenses with the basic Shopify option, plus this training, you’ll pay more money than you should.

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Silk Road Effect ECommerce

​My Final Opinion Of Silk Road Effect

​My conclusion is I wouldn’t recommend this product, because, it seems that you’ll end up confused and out of additional money, that shouldn’t have been spent in the first place.

Anyhow, I haven’t experienced drop shipping myself. However,  I have watched my daughter build a drop shipping store with Shopify, now she has an eCommerce store called “Her Beautiful Essentials” but, that neither here nor there.

Let me tell you, after watching her build her store drop shipping store, it seems to be a lot of work. Plus, you have to make sure that you’re dealing with legit customers and vendors.

Above all, if you have no idea what drop shipping entails, here is a brief overview. You’ll have to deal with storing the products, even the shipping, you need to keep up with inventory and prices, you have to purchase the products, you need capital up front, you have to find legit vendors, your the customer service representative, you have to deal with refunds, and you have to process the payments. The list could go on and on.

Not to discourage you in any way. The information was provided to give you a better overview of what to expect.

Nevertheless, this is probably the main reason why I prefer affiliate marketing because I rather not deal with all of that. Anyhow, if you prefer a business model, such as drop shipping, there are other ways to learn how to build an eCommerce site, at a more affordable cost.

Throughout this article, I have provided you with free resources so, that you can look into dropping shipping further. It’s your choice on what path you choose to take.

By the way, if you would like to build a successful online business, you’ll need support, the proper tools, and more importantly, you’re going to need complete step by step training, without worrying having to worry about investing into more up-sells. You’re not going to get that with Silk Road Effect.

On the other hand, if you check out Wealthy Affiliate, you’ll get an all-in-one affiliate marketing training, that has all the training, tools, and support that you need to succeed online, and it’s a fraction of the cost. The best part is you have the ability to build up to 2 websites and get started for free, with no experience or credit card needed. Alternatively, you can get full access of a Premium membership as myself and pay a total of $49.00 per month, with no further up-sells. Read about this community here.

Your Turn

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