If you don’t know by now, I have always recommended, Wealthy Affiliate. Especially if would like to receive step by step affiliate marketing training at an effective cost. Plus learn how to successfully build a website and monetize it.
Of course, I’ve reviewed many other products, some were good, while others were bad. At any rate, my intentions are to share the most accurate information about every product so, that you can make an informed decision.
Should I Join Wealthy Affiliate?
With that being said, so far nothing has come close to changing my mind about the value you’ll receive within the Wealthy Affiliate community. It’s like an affordable affiliate marketing university, where the learning never ends.
Okay, so what are the 10 reasons, “Why you should join Wealthy Affiliate?” Hold you’re horses, I’m getting there….so, keep reading…
1. Cost-Effective, Step-by-Step Training
You’ll receive action based step by step training, right from the beginning. If you stick to their super easy to understand training and implement exactly what you learn, you’ll see success. I mean, literally! The training itself, like takes you by the and guides on every step to get your business up and running.
First of all, it’s a low start-up cost. As you might already know that joining any home based business program does cost money. Whether it’s a yearly fee or a monthly fee, there is always some kind of fee. Above all, with some home based business opportunities, you need additional tools, plus additional training to make the program work to its full potential.
However, with Wealthy Affiliate, you don’t have to worry about having to buy so many unneeded tools. In fact, you can get started right now for free. That’s right, it’s free. No, credit card needed. All you have to do is take action and sign up. [button link=” https://www.wealthyaffiliate.com?a_aid=6b835d7b” type=”icon” newwindow=”yes”] Get Access To Your Free Membership Now![/button] .
2. Round The Clock Support
When I say you’ll get 24/7 support. I truly mean that. There are not too many communities out there where you can actually communicate with someone and ask questions, get opinions, get feedback, or get advice from experts.
The support is real-time support, not, an email or some kind of wait a few hours responses. You’ll be dealing with live support from the community it’s like no other. In fact, it seems like no one ever sleeps in this community because you have so much support.
Wealthy Affiliate members actually help each other out. If there is ever a time where you can’t figure something out, don’t worry because someone in the community will know how to fix it.
We truly love to see everyone succeed in the community, from small success to unimaginable success.
Support is offered on the Wealthy Affiliate platform by chat or by simply asking the community a question.
3. Wealthy Affiliate Blog
Above all, this was pretty amazing to me, as a member, you will have access to a Wealthy Affiliate blog. The WA blog can be leveraged, on the outside of the community.
In fact, it’s highly recommended that all members leverage the WA blog. Why? Because the community blogs have the potential of getting indexed and then ranked into the Google search engine.
What does this mean? This simply means, write articles on your Wealthy Affiliate blog, publish it. Then when or if someone comes across your Wealthy Affiliate blog on “Google“, and if it’s clicked on, the visitor will be able to read your blog on the outside of the community. In other words, the WA blog shows up just like any other website.
4. Commission Potential
Wealthy Affiliate has two affiliate programs. Once you’re signed up to Wealthy Affiliate, your automatically enrolled into the other program, which is for our keyword research tool.
With that beings said, you’ll be able to earn commissions on both programs. In fact, you’ll be able to earn money even as a “starter member”
Ready to get started for free Click here….
5. Two Free SiteRubix Websites
Once you join WA you’ll have access to two free websites, there called “SiteRubix.” The Wealthy Affiliate SiteRubix websites use the WordPress.org platform, so your site will be of quality material. As a starter member, you’ll even have access to several WordPress themes and, as a premium member, you’ll have access to over 3000 free theme options, as well.
6. Pay It Forward
WA is a pay it forward community, this is why there is so much support. There will never be any time in your online journey that you feel alone. Paying it forward simply means, that when you have a question, need help, or need advice. A WA member will come to your rescue.

In addition to this, we also help each other out by providing comments and feedback to your site. It’s almost like signing up to a Facebook bloggers group, except WA community site feedback and comments are a lot easier to receive because they’re all in one place and you can receive as many as you want.
It works like this, first, a WA member will provide two comments and or feedback on another members site. Then in return, that member will receive a comment or feedback for their site.
If you’re like me and already a busy person, in my opinion, the method of having everything in one location, it’s so much more convenient. I’ve signed up to many Facebook blogging groups and at times, I feel like I am all over the place, which at times it can be a bit distractive.
Nonetheless, I believe the owners had an excellent idea when they implemented this pay it forward strategy. It really does help each and every member out.
Not, only does it help build your business, paying it forward will allow you to network with many blogging experts, it also helps build and get respect from others. And of course, it will help you learn along the way.
7. A To Z Affiliate Marketing Training
The training within Wealthy Affiliate covers everything from A to Z affiliate and internet marketing. In fact, it is the same training that a lot of other platforms will charge hundreds and well up into the thousands for.
More importantly, if you’re skeptical, no worries, there are many members that arrive at Wealthy Affiliate as a skeptic too. In fact, I was one of those skeptics but, I am here to tell you after experiencing many other make money platforms, that the training within WA is awesome and well worth it. In all honesty, hands down it’s the best.
At any rate, what you receive for the cost cannot compare to any other platform that I’ve joined. Here is why? With most platforms, the training is limited and will not let you go any further unless you pay more. Your price at wealthy affiliate never changes after you have become a premium member, regardless of what level of training you receive.
Have you ever heard the saying, “Get a bang for your buck?” Well, if you haven’t, it means that it’s an awesome deal! You will get more value than what you’re actually paying for.
I know everyone, loves deals!
8. Earn Credits When New Members Set Up There Account
Another cool opportunity is, you’ll earn a little side money with Wealthy Affiliate when your new referrals set up their personal bio and then write out their goals. In fact, you’ll earn $1.00 a dollar each.
Okay, I know what you are thinking. A dollar is not much. You’re right it isn’t much but, trust me these $1.00 credits add up over time.
With this being said, you’ll be able to turn your credits into real cash. You’ll be able to buy new domains with them, receive site comments, or site feedback. It’s like free money.
Check out my credits that I have earned in the last couple of weeks and I didn’t have to lift a finger….
Here is how my Wealthy Affiliate bio looks, click here to connect directly with me.….
Here is how you’ll set up your goals within the Wealthy Affiliate community. Click here to check it out…
The purpose of setting up your bio and writing out your goals is to give everyone in the WA community the opportunity to get to know you. It will also help you receive as much help as you possibly can.
Setting goals are important because, this leads to growth and that’s what you are after, right? Of course, you are…So, I highly encourage you, when you sign up to set your goals which can lead to mental, financial, and successful growth.
9. Domains Fees Range From $13.99 to $15.99
Regardless, of what online marketing gig you get involved with you will always need a domain name. I personally have had domain names registered with NameCheap, GoDaddy, and now Wealthy Affiliate. Out of all three of the companies, Wealthy Affiliate is the cheapest.
Although I have had positive experiences with both domain providers, it was just more cost effective for me to cancel both accounts and utilize WA domain names.
Moreover, this, when I registered with GoDaddy and NameCheap, I was introduced to their low price of 0.99 cents per year domains. However, after the introductory pricing, my domain name would go up to $23.99 per year, which does not include all the features that I or you would get with Wealthy Affiliate domains.
The domain names with other companies usually don’t come with domain privacy or professional email addresses. When I was a customer of both GoDaddy and NameCheap, I had to purchase those important features separately. So, my introductory pricing was around $25.00 for the first year. Thereafter the pricing would change, by increasing.
On the other hand with WA, the domains are $13.99 – $15.99 per year, plus the government wants their portion so there are taxes added on.
They’re fully functional with Privacy guard, SSL, and unlimited email addresses which are included in the $13.99 -$15.99 pricing. This price never changes and will always remain the same each and every year.
10. Hosting
I have only dealt with one other hosting company in the past, which was Yahoo Small Business and I can honestly say I don’t recommend them to anyone. My site was always down. In addition to this, their customer support or tech support was so hard to reach, that I never got my issue resolved. I had to wait an entire year to have my website canceled, which was a complete shocker to me. I would have thought that Yahoo Small Business, would’ve had better service than what they had but, in my, opinion they just completely suck.
With Wealthy Affiliate, your hosting is included in your premium membership at no additional cost. My site is always up and I have had no issues with it being down, thus far. In fact, we have many members that joined Wealthy Affiliate because of the hosting and they transferred the files of their website over to WA hosting, from many well known hosting companies.
As far as your hosting there is 24/7 Site Support for your site. If you ever have any questions about your website or hosting, site support is always there to help and they usually respond within 5 minutes or less.
My Final Opinion
Well, I have given you 10 very good reasons on why you should join Wealthy Affiliate if you’re truly serious about starting an online business. With that being said, I hope your able to make an informed decision on whether this is a great opportunity to for you or not.
At any rate, if WA does sound like something that you would be interested in, all you need to do is take action and sign you. I will personally be there to support you along the way. However, I only help those who want to help themselves, I don’t ever want anyone feeling like they made the wrong decision.
So, for all action takers that are ready to make a change and join Wealthy Affiliate. Click here and sign up. After signing up, I’ll receive an email saying you signed up. In return, you’ll receive an automatic email back from me. From there you’ll be on the journey to success. If you haven’t signed up yet, you can reach me directly by clicking here…
In addition to this, you’ll get support from other WA members as well. In fact, the WA community as well over 1.4 million people within the community.
As an added bonus, even the co-owners show up in the community to help out for a bit. What more can you ask for?
What do you say? Let’s get you started on the right path to success today...Click here to join now! I’ll see you on the other side.
Read more about Wealthy Affiliate by clicking here…
If you have any questions or comments about why you should join Wealthy Affiliate, please feel free to leave them below. I will definitely respond. Anyhow, no matter what route you chose to take, keep your head up and never give up! As always have an awesome day!
Oh Yeah! One more thing, please do share this post with others, your friends, family, anybody.